More election reactions from NC SPIN panelists

Published November 8, 2018

Below find responses to Tuesday's elections from two more NC SPIN panelists, November 8, 2018.

Bev Perdue, former governor of North Carolina and NC SPIN panelist:                                                                                                                   My read on the outcome of the federal and state elections is that we may be righting the ship called democracy. And, that may take time and requires huge changes in our election system. If you examine the outcomes, it is clear that the partisan divide —me against you, tribes of locked in -positions with no focus on our future is worse than ever in our history. Gerrymandering districts across the country drive that tribalism and anger. It must stop.

And money layered onto the partisan districts becomes the conduit for shocking commercials and fabrications against all the candidates. Campaign financing again made this election incredibly expensive and dangerous for democracy.

Our citizens voted. The philosophical question is why. Was it to demand change from where we are as a state and country today or was the vote to solidify the meanness and prejudice and tribalism.

Where is our vision?  Where do we need to go and what do we need to do to resurrect America’s place in the world.

And in NC, how long will it take the majority of legislators to make North Carolina’s kids and families their priority?

Gene Arnold, former representative from Nash County and NC SPIN panelist:                               OMG!  I see a renewal of  stagnation by congress as the House fights the Senate.  Very little gets done.  Trump will be investigated from birth to the present day.  Political hyperbole reigns and stalling tactics will be prevalent.  Trump will get tougher with Congress, attempt to by-pass congress in achieving his goals, and the House will not deal with the administration.  The swamp is beginning to re-fill with the pungent water in which the Congress is used to swimming.   

November 8, 2018 at 12:01 pm
Richard L Bunce says:

Ms. Perdue seems to have missed the lessons on the 1850s and 1860s in US History class. This is not even good political spin.