Mistrust and self-reliance

Published 4:52 p.m. today

By Lib Campbell

The news today includes stories of people threatening and intimidating FEMA workers in Rutherford County. There are stories of death threats toward meteorologists. Immigrants are demonized beyond the pale. There are increasing warnings of violence that will begin on November 5th, if Trump is not a clear winner. Holy cow! What is happening to us? 
There is a cause and effect relationship between misinformation and disinformation with the mistrust of government, education, and science. Both are amplified 24/7 in the right wing ethosphere. Fox News, Newsmax, and X, through voices like Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Jesse Waters and Elon Musk lead the charge. A false narrative goes out to people so bereft of reason and hope they actually believe fantastical nonsense that portrays an apocalyptic vision of America. 
Some mythical cabal and deep state, comprised mostly of Democrats, are doing things like controlling weather, stealing federal disaster funds to help bring illegal immigrants across the border to kill us and giving sex change operations to first graders. There are those who wrap themselves in claims are so outrageous that only people like the flat-earthers believe. Apparently, almost fifty percent of Americans are buying this bologna. This level of mistrust is caustic, it is dangerous for all of us. 
Deconstruction of government is on many minds. Let’s get rid of all regulation and form our own militias, because we are the only ones we can trust. Self-reliance is an American value. It’s how the west was won. Rugged individualism. Let’s set ourselves free from the burden of government. We can do everything by ourselves.
There are limitations to self-reliance that become evident in cases of natural disaster, mass destruction… and aging. At the end of the day, when the bridge is washed out, or the road swept away, we may be able to jimmy some kind of temporary solution, but the stability of recovery will likely require engineers and heavy equipment and the largess of wealthy benefactors. How many of those live on your street? We need big help sometimes, help that only a government can supply. 
The interdependence we live depends on the trust we grow among us. At 78, I recognize that my abilities in some areas are waning. Bravado and self-denial will not slow the truth. Self-reliance has its limits. Denialism will not stop climate change. Denial and whitewashing truth will not make gender differences go away. We must grow trust, lest we die alone and ignorant. 
The conversation in Sunday School raised questions of how there could be so many people who bend their reason and will to believe what clearly seems untruth. Why would people compromise their values, minds and wills to further lies that harm people and put them at risk? 
As much as I have written and spoken to this issue, I am realistic in admitting that Donald Trump really could shoot somebody of Fifth Avenue and get away with it. Despite anything my limited influence could change, Trump could get elected again. Makes me a little nauseous to think about it. Many are saying there could be violence on November 5th. How do we even prepare for that possibility? 
There is mistrust on the right regarding the election process. Losing is not an option. Donald Trump hates losing. The rest of us will just have to suck it up as he presses conspiracy and foments violence. Between November 5 and January 20, a great upheaval will come upon us. 
I have decided the darkness will not overcome my hope that good wins in the end. The arc of justice is long, but justice will come. I have spent time this week unfollowing the ranters from my Facebook feed. I intend to surround myself with hope. I will read edifying literature. I will paint and play the piano and pray. I will spend time watching the Collard Valley Cook teach seven different ways of making biscuits. That’s true. She really does that. 
If Trump wins Project 2025 will dismantle NOAA and the National Weather Service. The Democrats will then have all kinds of opportunity to make weather choices. Not knowing about weather will not stop weather from happening and impacting us. 
The retooling of the Justice Department will become a spectacle, as we watch retribution being enacted upon us. Beware good citizens. Watch your back. There is threat from the mouth of Trump that the US military will be called on to punish his enemies within the country. That’s you and me. 
This train is almost out of the station. It’s just a few weeks until election day. I put my money on the Democrats. You are free to put yours on MAGA. Even as dangerous as I think that is, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. God save us all. 
 Lib Campbell is a retired Methodist pastor, retreat leader, columnist and host of the blogsite www.avirtualchurch.com. She can be contacted at libcam05@gmail.com