Published February 28, 2019
By Tom Campbell
By Tom Campbell, Producer and Moderator of NC SPIN, February 28, 2019.
From reading your comments on our website and our Facebook page it is clear that some of you don’t understand the difference between our TV show vs. what we attempt on our website and social media.
NC SPIN, the TV show, is now and always has prided itself on being balanced and impartial. From show one in 1998, our program has had 4 panelists, two representing the center/right and two representing the center/left political space. I won’t guarantee it has happened that way over 1,058 shows but I challenge anyone to verify it hasn’t happened that way in 96% of them. The few exceptions have occurred when a panelist became ill or incapacitated and a last-minute panelist change had to be made prior to airtime.
NC SPIN is an unrehearsed TV show, so we cannot guarantee or have input as to what a panelist says on-air. There are times when three or even four panelists will agree on a particular subject. Does that indicate we lean left or right? Nope. We make no attempt to endorse candidates, parties or philosophies. For those who believe we are more critical of the current Republican legislative leadership we would suggest you haven’t watched our show very long or you would know that when Democrats ran our legislature, they complained all the time that we were too tough on them. We have been and will continue to be equal opportunity commentators on what they and others in government do, regardless of their party affiliation. That’s the job of a free press.
Now as to our website or Facebook page, they have different purposes. It has been our mission to present to readers the opinion of a variety of persons with something worth reading. Just because we post an opinion column doesn’t mean we supports or favors that person or position. We are careful to indicate who writes the particular piece and would never suggest that you should agree or disagree with it. Our purpose has been to be a place where people could read and consider opinions from the right, the left and the center. And we make a genuine effort to do so.
Having followed public policy debates in our state for more than 50 years, I (Tom Campbell) have opinions and thoughts about issues affecting our state. Seldom, if ever, will you see me take sides in the TV debate. My job as producer/moderator is to make sure the discussion flows and all panelists have a chance to talk. I determined the best way to express my positions was by writing columns/editorials myself, pieces where I clearly identify it is me offering the opinion. Again, I welcome comment from you and others.
While on the subject I think it is time to say that I am weary of all the really ugly, demeaning and nasty comments people make on our website and Facebook pages and that I am fed up in having them on our sites. It is fine if you disagree but name calling, obscenities and threats have no place and will not be tolerated.
If you choose to stop visiting our social media sites that is perfectly fine. Enough is enough.
February 28, 2019 at 4:26 pm
I agree with this column. I do have one suggestion, though. Usually once each season you have a show with high school students. I'd like to see one or two shows with commentators in the 20 to 40 year range. There are plenty of young activists of all stripes whose world views are not necessarily captured by your most frequent guest commentators. This might expand your demographics, too.
February 28, 2019 at 5:22 pm
Darrell Almond says:
I appreciate your comments and totally agree. Some of these so called hosts on the cable networks would do our country a favor if they would follow your lead
,Keep up the good work!
February 28, 2019 at 8:49 pm
Wayne Boyette says:
Tom, I am so sorry that you have to put up with such abuse. You deserve better. NC Spin is one of my favorites (although I watch online and not the TV broadcast). Thank you for your balanced and informative show. I look forward to many more years!
March 1, 2019 at 8:25 am
Mark C. Rearick says:
As a newcomer to North Carolina I treasure your weekly TV show as a vehicle to TRY to understand "the old north state's" politics (still a work in progress). I have always found the show to be fair and you as moderator do a great job. I feel badly that you take any abuse for your efforts. I would suggest those folks turn off the TV in stead of torturing themselves. I love Chris Fitsimons and appreciate John Hood's slant on things though he is usually on the wrong side of things !! I appreciate your successful endeavor in keeping civility a priority.
March 1, 2019 at 9:39 am
Hassell Thomas S. says:
March 2, 2019 at 12:31 am
Nancy G. Rorie says:
Good for you!
March 4, 2019 at 7:40 pm
Norm Kelly says:
I've not seen vile comments on this site. I'm glad. I try not to be one of those!
I almost always disagree vehemently with Chris. When he's right though, I make sure to comment stating so. I know, doesn't happen often, but I make sure to post my agreement.
I've never called anyone a name, try never to refer to anyone as a liar, but will point out when I know that a comment misses important factual information.
Of the show: Excellent. The blog: Excellent. I don't catch the show as often as I'd like, and always online when I do. The blog perspectives are wonderful as are the videos.
A stellar job, Mr. Campbell. You are appreciated, your efforts are wonderful, and personally wish you many more decades with this effort. You & your staff deserve recognition for your excellence and balance. Never do y'all deserve meanness or attitude.
I pray that I have not nor ever will be someone who needs to be taken out to the woodshed!