McCrory's team faces tough challenges
Published October 6, 2013
by Mike Adams, Fayetteville Observer, October 6, 2013.
Tim White, the Observer's editorial page editor, and I had a chance to meet with Gov. Pat McCrory and some of his staff last week.
McCrory invited top leaders from a number of newspapers to an off-the-record presentation and question-and-answer session. I'm sure the decision to hold the session was prompted in part by some tough press he and his administration have received lately.
Much of that harsh scrutiny has come from publications and organizations in Raleigh, but even here in Fayetteville we had a story a few weeks ago detailing some of the governor's perceived missteps.
In the session last week, neither the governor nor his cabinet secretaries unveiled any surprising strategies or revelations. Instead, they talked about what they see as the important, difficult - and probably boring to anyone but policy wonks - work they are doing throughout state government.
It was clear from the presentation that McCrory has some impressive cabinet members who have experienced significant professional success before joining his staff.
The challenge they face - indeed, the challenge any political organization faces - is to do their work with more of a focus on pragmatism than on ideological purity.
Maybe it is too much to ask for that kind of focus in health policy in these days of national wrangling over Obamacare, but there seems to be little reason to inject partisanship in other areas.
Secretary of Commerce Sharon Decker and Secretary of Transportation Tony Tata, for instance, have enormous responsibility for the state's economic growth and the quality of its highways.
Most North Carolina residents aren't looking for the Republican solutions to the state's problems in these areas. They aren't looking for the Democratic solutions, either. What North Carolina residents want are strategies that lead to economic growth, increased prosperity and better roads.
If McCrory and his staff are able to deliver results in these and other areas - results that make life better for most North Carolinians - the ideological noise that surrounds them may get a little quieter.