McCrory won't call special session
Published September 13, 2014
by Mary Cornatzer, News and Observer, September 12, 2014.
Saying it would be “counterproductive and a waste of taxpayer money,” Gov. Pat McCrory announced Friday that he would not call the legislature back to Raleigh as many have asked him to do.
The legislature adjourned on Aug. 20 without adding more money to the state’s Job Development Investment Grant fund. They also failed to pass a special, flexible fund aimed at closing deals in the latter stages of negotiations with companies.
Last month, N.C. Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker told members of the state’s economic development board that money in the JDIG fund would run out by late October without legislative action to increase the cap. She also said the state is pursuing a large project that would take 80 percent of the fund’s balance.
Others, including the N.C. League of Municipalities, leaders from Mecklenburg County and legislators from southeastern North Carolina have asked McCrory to reconvene the legislature to deal with those bills and to revisit the state’s film incentives.
North Carolina’s 25 percent refundable credit for film companies will sunset at the end of the year, replaced by a more limited grant program.
McCrory said in a video released by his office that it would be a waste of taxpayer money to bring legislators back when “there was no agreement in place on issues already voted on. And after a lengthy session they need a break, and frankly I need a break from them.”
He added that if a major job recruitment effort developed that required legislative support he would bring lawmakers back.