Look at school choice
Published February 27, 2014
by Scott Mooneyham, Capitol Press Association, published in Greenville Daily Reflector, February 24, 2014.
Adecision by a Superior Court judge last week to block a new school voucher law was met with howls of disapproval from school choice advocates.
One of the sponsors of the law, Wake County Republican state Rep. Paul “Skip” Stam, called it disappointing.
A lawyer defending the law spoke about the decision being an insult to parents who want to get their kids out of failing public schools.
More howls of outrage may be on the way before all is settled regarding the law, which would allow some low-income parents to receive taxpayer-provided vouchers to send their children to private schools.
Before complaining too loudly, the advocates might want to consider that other part of the school choice movement, charter schools, to see what choice is or isn’t accomplishing in North Carolina.
The state’s experience with charters schools now goes back more than decade, with legislators approving of the schools in 1996. In 2011, lawmakers allowed for their expansion by lifting a cap on the number of charters, which are taxpayer-supported, receive some state oversight, but are set up independently of the state.
When charter schools were first established, the argument was that they would bring innovation to public education, becoming laboratories freed from the constraints placed on public schools.
In the years since, even as the charter school cap was lifted and the voucher law passed, there has been very little examination here about whether that has happened. One exception was a study performed in 2012 that looked at 10 charter schools where students excelled, trying to identify why they performed so well. The study was pretty limited, mostly focusing on surveys of school officials. It failed to delve into how differences might relate to organizational structure or how schools spend their money.
The state, though, is collecting extensive data on the charter schools, as well as the public schools. (It can be found atwww.ncschoolreportcard.org/src/.)
You don’t need to be a sociologist to look at the data and identify trends.
One compelling trend is that many charters with majority minority populations are seeing students perform poorer than their public school counterparts. Four schools with high minority populations defying the trend, all identified in that 2012 report, appear to have one thing in common based on their spending patterns: They haven’t farmed out their management to national, for-profit firms that specialize in that kind of thing.
In other words, they are what charters schools were envisioned as, grassroots community schools that grew out of a locally identified need.
As the fight over school choice continues in North Carolina, policymakers would do well to start looking at the data to see what works.
Failing to do that may mean waking up in another decade and discovering that a full-throttle embrace of school choice has left a lot of students worse off than before.
The data suggests that is already happening to some.
February 27, 2014 at 11:57 am
TP Wohlford says:
It's amazing when local pundits think all sorts of bad things will happen (or, conversely, lots of incredibly great things!) the some law is passed. ESPECIALLY when other places have passed such a law, and none of the bad things (or conversely, none of the good things) have happened.
Voter ID is in that stack for sure -- other states require voter ID, and of all of the nerve, only have 1 voting day!
And "schools of Choice" is another. This author might want to talk to people who live in such areas to get some insight.
You know, good journalism?
February 28, 2014 at 9:33 am
Richard Bunce says:
The most important point is that it is the parents choice of education systems for their children not the government education bureaucrats and government school administrators/teachers. The 10% plus of children that attend alternate school systems are largely from relatively wealthy families and these parents are very comfortable with the choice they have made for their children. When their children do not attend a government school system the per pupil State funding is reduced for that government school system... and the government education system has not crumbled because of it. The majority of government school students not proficient at basic skills are in dire need of alternative education systems. Voucher opponents opposition has nothing to do with the education of children but the continued quest for ever increasing funding of the government education industrial complex where students are just a number in a funding formula.