Local Democrats need some soul searching
Published November 18, 2016
Editorial by Wilmington Star-News, November 18, 2016.
The Democratic Party is reeling at all levels after the Nov. 8 election.
They didn’t see this coming. The narrative before Donald Trump’s surprising win -- yes, even GOP pollsters and insiders were surprised -- was that the Republican Party would be remaking itself after losing the presidency and possibly control of the Senate.
Before Election Day, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory was trailing his challenger, Attorney General Roy Cooper, and U.S. Sen. Richard Burr was up only slightly over Deborah Ross.
Burr enjoyed a solid victory. And while Cooper appears to have the edge in the governor’s race, votes are still being counted.
Locally, N.C. Rep. Suzi Hamilton is the only Democrat headed to the General Assembly from Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties.
Jonathan Barfield, who won re-election as a New Hanover County commissioner, is the only Democrat to have won in Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender races for county commissions and school boards.
Voter turnout was higher than in 2012 in all three of those counties.
It’s not just a local story. Republicans are enjoying far greater success in down-ballot races than Democrats. According to Ballotpedia.org, the GOP now controls governor and both legislative houses in 25 states, while the Dems control governments in just six states.
The Grand Old Party seems to have put far more emphasis on down-ballot races than Democrats have. That gives the GOP Election Day advantages – they draw the maps and set the voting rules – as well as developing a “farm team” of successful politicians who can move from the local to state level and up into Congress.
What can the Dems do?
For one thing, Tar Heel Democrats should try to field a candidate in every race.
Some candidates are reluctant to enter a race they seem likely to lose. The state party could offer support such as voter-targeting tools and strategic advice to would-be candidates, as well as financial support.
When candidates do lose, they shouldn’t abandon public service. Come back and run again. Or consider serving on one of the many local committees and boards that are always seeking participants, learning the ropes of local government, making contacts and building name recognition.
Democrats on the county level need to develop positions that are clearly stated, specific, and appeal to voters.
Democrats running for New Hanover County school board ran in opposition to the “neighborhood schools” approach that has seen schools become resegregated. They lost, but at least voters knew what they stood for.
The Democratic Party should also make sure it’s doing everything it can to get people to the polls.
The Republican electorate seems to be more reliable than Democratic-leaning groups about voting in every election. Republicans know the importance of voting, even in years when the presidency is not on the line.
We benefit from a strong two-party system. It’s time for the Democrats to identify their shortcomings and work on them.
November 18, 2016 at 10:15 am
Richard L Bunce says:
We benefit from a multiple choice political system. The monopoly that the Republican and Democratic parties have on our political system through their laws and regulations on ballot access and their friends in the media who constantly reinforce their monopoly position is not a system that is beneficial. Had the Republican Party been trounced in NC this year this editorial would not have been written about their party. For the century plus of Democratic Party control of NC governments this editorial was not written. At least the SN avoided #WagtheDog editorializing today... normalize that.
November 18, 2016 at 10:44 am
Norm Kelly says:
'The Republican electorate seems to be more reliable than Democratic-leaning groups about voting in every election'. This is the very first time I've seen this information ANYWHERE. Care to share your statistics & sources?
In the past it seems that Demons vote regardless of how badly their candidate(s) suck. We all remember when Mitt ran. Too many conservatives stayed home instead of voting because they (we) thought he was too weak. There's plenty of times when Republicans lost an election because voters refused to come out. Lack of backbone on the part of a candidate tends to keep Republicans home.
So, where's the stats?
Even though Hildabeast/Hildaliar/Killary was the absolute worst candidate that could possibly have run on the Demon ticket, hundreds of thousands of allies came out to vote for her, and there's not a single lib-loving media outlet that didn't endorse and vote for her. Simply reading the average editorial page in a paper (that lacks real news!) proves that not only did most endorse her, but the editorial staff also voted for her.
So, where's your proof?
When media allies of the demons ran fake stories about Republican candidates, who called them out? Demons did this. Demons have proven they will do ANYTHING, including illegal activity, to support their candidate. When a demon candidate is proven to have broken the law, such as the most recent dirt-bag on the demon presidential ticket, demons in media and public in general come out in droves to vote.
So, again, where's your stats on this one?
Or should we assume this is simply more drivel from a disgruntled, shocked, angry, liberal editorial writer at what used to be a newspaper attempting to stir the demon base?
Bottom line: the demon message/scheme was heard loud and clear across the nation. Demons lost across the nation. Socialism has shown how disastrous it truly is, how failure is built into every socialist scheme, and voters have resoundingly rejected the purveyors. Take obamacancer as an example. The stats printed by liberal media outlets show that some 90% of 'exchange' users get a government subsidy to pay for premiums, so the increases don't affect the insured. But no lib ever questions how this is sustainable. No lib ever wonders how those premiums are being paid for. It comes down to the same way as every other socialist scheme. The cost of obamacancer, passed ONLY by demons, is simply passed on to those who can afford higher premiums. When you have money, you are obligated according to demons, to buy stuff for people you don't know and aren't related to. Voters saw through this scam and rejected it. Resoundingly rejected it.
Again, it's not that the message from demons and their allies didn't get through. What demons and media allies fail to recognize is that your sorry message DID get through. But it was a scheme resoundingly rejected. Your schemes are NOT wanted in our once-free nation. Your share-the-wealth, pit groups against each other, schemes were once again rejected. Voting results show how badly your schemes are known to destroy people. Nothing about demon schemes is commendable or sustainable. And they've been rejected - there's no other way to look at it. And libs MUST be reminded how they were purposely rejected.