Liberals want it both ways

Published July 27, 2014

By John Hood

by John Hood, John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, published in Greenville Daily Reflector, July 26, 2014.

When liberals debate tax policy, it can be hard to keep track of their positions. They keep changing.

Right now, for example, Democratic politicians and left-wing activists are castigating Republicans in the General Assembly for proposing a reduction or elimination of North Carolina’s tax credit for film and television production. They say that the tax break, with a state fiscal impact of $61 million a year, is critical to luring and retaining businesses that employ thousands of people a year.

Yet most of these same Democratic politicians and left-wing activists have previously argued that state taxes are not a significant factor in business decisions — that the taxes are too small to matter and that states with lower taxes don’t grow faster, all other things being equal, than states with higher taxes.

Are movie moguls and TV producers the only business leaders who care about their tax burdens? Are media-production jobs the only ones that state policymakers should strive to attract and retain?

Here’s another consistency problem with the Left’s tax claims. Last year, when Gov. Pat McCrory and the legislature enacted historic, pro-growth tax reform — including the passage of a modified Flat Tax — liberals complained that the measure eliminated the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit. Citing its absence, they then claimed that North Carolinians of low to moderate incomes would actually experience a net tax increase from tax reform, with only wealthy taxpayers coming out ahead.

But when my colleagues and others pointed out that the state’s sales tax burden had dropped by nearly $1 billion in 2011, which lowered the burden on low- and middle-income taxpayers far more than the disappearance of the Earned Income Tax Credit raised it, liberals denied the significance of the event. The Republican-led legislature didn’t actually cut the state sales tax in 2011, they insisted. The lawmakers simply failed to extend a temporary sales-tax increase that had been enacted two years earlier.

That’s technically correct, although whether to extend that sales-tax increase was a highly contentious issue during the 2011 session and the legislature prevailed only by overturning Gov. Bev Perdue’s veto. Here’s the problem, however: by that logic, the Republicans didn’t eliminate the Earned Income Tax Credit, either. It was also originally enacted as a time-limited measure, back in 2007, and was set to expire in 2013. The Republicans simply chose not to reauthorize it, arguing that the larger per-child tax credits and standard deductions for single parents with kids in the 2013 tax-reform measure accomplished a similar objective.

Liberals can’t have it both ways. They can count the 2013 expiration of the Earned Income Tax Credit as, in effect, a tax hike on the poor. But then they have to count the Republicans’ sales-tax policy in 2011 as, in effect, a much-larger tax cut for the poor. On the other hand, they can say that the dropping sales tax was nothing more than a temporary measure going away. But then they have to give up their talking point about how McCrory and the legislature “raised taxes on the poor to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.” (They ought to do that, anyway, since the claim is incorrect even if you treat the expiration of the Earned Income Tax Credit as a tax hike.)

As for the film incentive, it is hypocritical and unpersuasive for politicians and activists to favor a special tax break for one industry and oppose general tax relief for all industries. On empirical grounds, they have the worst of the argument. While there is strong research support for the proposition that states with lower overall tax rates on business tend to grow faster and create more jobs than states with higher tax rates, most studies of targeted tax credits show no net economic benefits.

If North Carolina is going to force its citizens to help finance TV and movie production, it should do so in a straightforward manner, with a fixed-dollar grant program as the Senate has proposed. Welfare should be doled out as on-budget spending, not hidden in the tax code.

July 27, 2014 at 1:56 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Perfectly logical. Factual. Therefore, unintelligible to the average lib voter and completely foreign to every lib pol.

If libs are forced to be consistent, they will never win another election, their policies will never pass muster. Too many times, as it is, libs find it necessary to end-run around citizens in order to get their policies enacted. When libs can't deceive citizens into accepting their ridiculous policies, they take to the courts, using bogus arguments to get their policies enacted. And when the courts agree, it's usually because the socialists went judge-shopping beforehand in order to get a judge that was predisposed to agreeing with them. Most of the time what we find is that socialist policies are not enacted based on existing law, but too many of their policies that are enacted by force through the judicial system are implemented based on creating law.

Honesty by politicians would result in chaos. Almost always within the demon party. Sometimes in the Republican party. If libertarians could get enough support, the state and it's citizens would be so much better off. This wouldn't stop the lies and misinformation coming from the Socialist Party of the US, but it would open some eyes.

I hope John keeps up the truth-telling. It's bound to help at least 1 person with every post. And someone has to put Chris's posts/editorials in perspective; shine the light on his apparently blind support of the demon talking points. The one thing that seems very obvious is that it takes no thought process at all to be a demon. All it takes is feelings. If you feel, you are a good demon. If you think, you are not a demon at all; they'd probably tell you that you are not welcome in their party. Kinda like the way the pol in NY told rich, white, Bible-believing, 2nd amendment believing people that they were no longer welcome in NY. As if this came as a surprise to anyone!