Liberals can't stand to see Republicans succeed in NC

Published April 2, 2014

by Paul Sperry, Investor's Business Daily, April 1, 2014.

If there's one state that's drawn the ire of Democrat activists, it's North Carolina, a blue state turned bright red, thanks to dissatisfaction with President Obama.

Liberals can't stand the fact that North Carolinians, after voting for Obama in 2008, thought better of it and voted to fire him in 2012, the only swing state to do so. The anti-Obama sentiment also swept Republicans into power in both the statehouse and governor's mansion for the first time in more than a century.

At breakneck speed for politics, the party has made a series of conservative moves, including: slashing taxes, requiring voter photo ID, curbing Medicaid and unemployment benefits, funding school vouchers, banning Shariah law, amending the state constitution to protect traditional marriage and passing anti-abortion measures.

Naysayers on the left say the GOP is taking the state back to the horse-and-buggy days; they warn that the nation could suffer the same fate if Republicans take control of Washington, D.C.

Joining the chorus of haters is Obama shill Margaret Carlson. "A dystopian nightmare is unfolding in North Carolina," she opines in a Bloomberg News column printed nearby. "It is what the whole country would look like if you were to marry David Koch to Ted Cruz."

She claims the GOP agenda has kicked the poor to the curb, disenfranchised black voters and polluted rivers. She maintains that "beleaguered North Carolinians" are sorry they ever turned over the keys of power to such troglodytes. Though passionate, her tirade is a factual flop.

For starters, Gov. Pat McCrory's job approval is higher than Obama's, despite the NAACP and other leftist groups busing out-of-state hippies, union goons and rights activists to Raleigh virtually every week to protest McCrory's "nasty," "vicious," "racist" policies. And the General Assembly is twice as popular with North Carolinians as Congress is with Americans.

Some 52% of Tar Heel State residents approve of the legislative agenda or wish it were more conservative, a recent High Point University poll found; 52% say they oppose gay marriage and like the state amendment banning it. The voter ID law's also popular.

Unlike Obama, McCrory made job creation his No. 1 priority, and he's gotten strong results. In January 2013, when he was sworn in, the state jobless rate was 9.5%. It's now 6.4% — better than the national rate and the lowest since 2008. Joblessness in the state has dropped for eight straight months.

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April 2, 2014 at 9:10 am
James Barrett says:

I thought this was supposed to be a website dedicated to reasonable debate. So why publish this trash? Using false statistics (which you have already discredited) to lie about "strong results" on jobs (reducing unemployment does not equal job creation). Name calling. Lies about "out of staters" being bused in for Moral Mondays. You should remove this post -- it is beneath this site.

April 2, 2014 at 10:54 am
Norm Kelly says:

I for one am extremely happy that the Demons are out of power. It's fun to watch them flail around. They complain about everything. Demons NEVER, EVER appreciate a tax cut. Demons NEVER, EVER appreciate spending cuts. EVERYTHING a Republican or conservative does is spun as racist, detrimental to blacks or a slap in the face of poor people. It does NOT matter to Demon politicians if any of this is ever true. They will spin it that way no matter what.

Has anyone ever asked Mr. Barber why he believes having to show a picture ID at the voting place is racist? No. Has he ever said why? No. He is not required to explain himself. Why? Because first he's a black man. Therefore his opinions can't be questioned; they must be accepted because he said them. Second, because his rants are ALWAYS against Republicans. Therefore, because a black man is ranting against a Republican, what he says is taken as truth by the media. Does the media wonder why Barber complains about EVERYTHING Republicans do? Does the media ever wonder why Barber doesn't show proof of his complaints? No. Because he's a black man and therefore walks on water as far as leftists and media types are concerned (though they are the same group, so I should stop being redundant!).

The libs/DemocRATs had about a century to try their 'plans'. What did we get for it? Did our budget balance? Were we as a state financially better off at the end of their century than we would have otherwise been? Were our children better educated and prepared for the real world after their century of power & control? Were our minorities (blacks!) better prepared to take care of themselves than they otherwise would have been? The most important question that seems logical for any & all blacks to ask themselves is: does the Demon party have our best interest in mind or are they simply trying to keep us committed to their party? Does the Demon party believe that blacks as a group are capable of taking care of themselves or does the party as a whole believe that it's the responsibility of the party to take care of blacks? Taking care of groups like this is taking control over/of that group. Is this what blacks want? OR is it better for blacks to take control of their own lives and therefore be able to break out of the mediocrity imposed by kindly, non-racist Demons? When a democRAT looks at a black person what exactly do they see? Do they see a successful business person, a well-educated, well-spoken person? Or do they see a black person? If they see a black person first and primarily, then the black person MUST look at that kindly, loving, central-planner Demon as a racist first, a demon second, and an adversary. Insisting that the government MUST take care of you because you are black is racist. Insisting that you are a human being, with skills, brains, muscles, desires, goals is what people should see when they look at any human being, black, white, or otherwise. When a Republican in the NCGA looks at a black person, do they see a human being as a non-racist? Or do they also see a black person? Based on the recent record of the NCGA, since the Republicans took over, it seems to me as a non-black that Republicans are seeing all people as people first, and then perhaps some skin color other than what they themselves are. Isn't this the better way to look at people?

Let's hope the majority of voters continue to believe it's worth giving Republicans an opportunity to change the direction of the state and if it doesn't improve the opportunity for ALL people. After all, Obama looks at skin color first (he is a demon to the core!) and how much better off are blacks under his administration/reign?