Just another Moral Monday
Published February 15, 2014
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, February 14, 2014.
February 15, 2014 at 9:05 pm
Vicki Boyer says:
Elected officials were told they could not march together at the front of the line.
If you don't care for a particular group claiming the high moral ground in politics, one can presume you have always been against the Moral Majority claiming the high moral ground for Republicans.
February 16, 2014 at 12:05 pm
Norm Kelly says:
The Reverend Buffet Slayer Barber proves 2 things.
He is a racist. He believes blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves. He believes someone in government, anyone at any level of government, must implement programs to take care of black people.
Second, he proves that he is a socialist. Some hide their true beliefs in terms like 'progressive' or 'liberal'. But these are just nice terms used by socialists to hide the fact that they are socialists.
Thinking people, people with the ability to do their own research, know that progressives are not out for the little guy, are not out to promote success for everyone. Progressives, like Obama, Harry, Nancy, and importantly for us K, believe that when you reach a certain level of success it is the governments responsibility to TAKE some of your earnings away from you, steal it, for the purpose of GIVING it to someone else. That someone they give it to is going to be someone they classify as 'underprivileged'. And the socialists get to change who is and who is not 'underprivileged' at their own whim. The term 'underprivileged' will not be static, it will be a constantly changing definition and group.
People who believe in freedom, liberty, and the Constitution believe that everyone has a certain level of responsibility for themselves. Everyone has the right to achieve. Everyone has the responsibility to look out for their fellow man. But it is MY responsibility. I should not be forced by government to participate in any given idea/program. When you steal money from me to support your 'good intention' or pet project, you prevent me from supporting my 'good intention' or pet project. If I choose to volunteer at the local shelter, food bank, donate money to some local charity, what harm does it do you? None. If you steal money from me to support your pet project or charity, what harm does it do to me? Plenty. Cuz every dollar you steal from me to support your pet peeve is a dollar I don't get to contribute to support MY pet peeve, pet project, local charity. See the difference? Of course not, if you are a lib you don't see it that way. Your pet project is too important to leave to chance. Your pet charity is too important to be ignored. You have the belief that if you don't force people to support your idea, then your idea will fail. Guess what? You are right! And that is EXACTLY the way it's supposed to be. The projects that work, that do the job they are created to do, survive on their own. Those projects that don't actually work, that cost more than they 'produce', that don't reach the people in real need, should disappear, should become dinos. Propping up your pet charity with MY tax dollars doesn't make it a more viable charity. It makes it another black hole that money simply disappears into.
I know. Slightly off topic. Except that the topic started with Barber's good intentions, his belief that government needs to get involved, that the majority who voted for change in Raleigh MUST be over-ridden by the 'moral' minority. It stated with Barber's belief that blacks are being suppressed simply because Republicans control the majority in Raleigh. All of what Barber stands for, all of what comes out of his ignorant mouth, is meaningless and does nothing worthwhile. What Barber stands for does NOT actually help anyone get out of poverty, does not help anyone get a job to support themselves, does not help them vote. All of what Barber says and promotes starts with socialism at it's core. And can be proved to fail everytime, everywhere. It's time for thinking, freedom lovers to stand up in huge numbers; to take our country back from the socialists; to celebrate success; to promote self-reliance and responsibility. Charity always starts at home. Charity also needs to be celebrated and rewarded. Not forced.