June Atkinson: Predictions for public schools in 2016

Published January 8, 2016

[caption id="attachment_4103" align="alignleft" width="150"]Superintendent June Atkinson Superintendent June Atkinson[/caption]

by Kelly Hinchcliffe, WRAL, January 7, 2016.

WRAL News asked state Superintendent June Atkinson to share her predictions for North Carolina public schools in 2016.

1) Teacher raises

The General Assembly will give teachers the largest salary increase in a decade. Rationale: election year and teachers deserve a raise for education to be competitive with other professions.

2) Reduction in test taking time

A new state testing pilot will be expanded so that teachers, students and parents will receive immediate feedback after assessments with a reduction in testing taking time. Rationale: preliminary results of using the pilot show very positive results from teachers.

3) Decreased enrollment in teacher prep programs

Enrollment in university teacher preparation programs will decrease for the sixth year in a row. Rationale: young people and second career adults must be attracted to the field by having better salaries and necessary resources.

4) All-time high graduation rates

The high school graduation rate will reach another all time high of over 86 percent while the State Board of Education continues to have higher standards for meeting graduation requirements.

5) More students reading by grade 3

Investments in early reading will begin to pay off by having more students being able to read well by grade 3. Rationale: investments in summer camps for 1st and 2nd graders will have a positive impact.

6) Preschool programs still an issue

Quality preschool programs will continue to be an issue even though research clearly shows that quality early learning programs have financial benefit to society and to individuals.

7) A personal prediction

I will be re-elected as State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Read more at http://www.wral.com/state-superintendent-shares-predictions-for-nc-public-schools-in-2016/15217644/#QZ4askTZdAM5gWHJ.99