It doesn't add up
Published January 2, 2019
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, January 2, 2019.
Almost every politician in Washington supported the Criminal Justice Reform Bill – so what are the odds all those politicians, this time, got it right?
According to the newspaper 53,000 prisoners, almost a third of the inmates in federal prisons, are going to be released – which means we’re going to be closing prisons. But, the Congressional Budget Office reports, releasing 53,000 prisoners will cost taxpayers $346 million. How can that be? The answer – the CBO says – is simple: It’s because the released prisoners will be eligible for federal benefits like health insurance and Food Stamps.
Now, when a prisoner’s in jail we pay for his food, his medical care, his electricity, water, showers and housing – we pay for whatever he needs. So how can it cost taxpayers more to let him out of prison? Somehow it just doesn’t add up.
But, then, not much in Washington does.