Is rigged election coming? Republicans should prove it or pipe down

Published August 8, 2016

by Eric Frazier, Charlotte Observer, August 6, 2016.

When the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals torpedoed North Carolina’s controversial voter ID law last month, House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger issued a remarkably bitter statement.

They said Democrat-appointed judges were trying to “steal the election” for gubernatorial candidate Roy Cooper and the hated Hillary Clinton.

When the same court on Thursday iced their request for a stay of its order blocking the ID law, Republican leaders shrieked some more about the impending election-theft.

The Republican-approved 2013 voting law was popular, state GOP chief Dallas Woodhouse said, “but Roy Cooper and North Carolina Democrats did everything they could to stop it.”

“Fair-minded voters,” he added, “should ask why.”

Well, maybe for the same reason the court cited in striking the restrictions down? Maybe, as the ruling said, those aggressive voting restrictions illegally targeted African American voters with “surgical precision”?

No, that can’t be it. Not the way state GOP leaders see it. They’re dropping the same stinky pre-election innuendoes Donald Trump is spreading nationally. Trump, of course, is happy to share. He has added his voice to the GOP chorus of concern about the 4th Circuit ruling’s effect on North Carolina. Apparently the door is now open for evil Democrats to surf a wave of illegitimate black votes to victory.

They’ll just repay the favor later with free government goodies, right? Isn’t that what passes for sophisticated analysis inside the Limbaugh-Breitbart-Fox News bubble?

If that passes the smell test for you, it’s just a short walk to Trump confidante Roger Stone’s neighborhood. He’s pushing talk of civil disorder, a “bloodbath,” even for blocking a President-elect Hillary Clinton’s inauguration ceremony, should the election prove “rigged” against the real estate mogul.

He told Breitbart he wants to see Trump keep pushing this kind of talk as we move toward the election.

Such careless chatter is fine for talk show hosts and marginal types like Stone. It’s not OK for political parties and presidential candidates. I can understand saying things to rev up your base, but this is ridiculous. Stone’s talking about dripping battery acid into the gears of representative democracy.

Considering what’s at stake here, wouldn’t it be nice to see proof of the alleged hijinks?

That’s hard to come by. Studies show voter impersonation – the offense that sparked our ID law – is virtually non-existent. The 4th Circuit judges said North Carolina failed to identify a single person who’d ever been charged with committing in-person voter fraud.

What proof of fraud have I seen? Well, Stone cited studies by Richard Charnin, a left-leaning scholar who pushes discredited theories in which unreliable exit polls accurately predict final vote tallies. The title page of his blog says it is devoted to election fraud analysis.

And oh, look, JFK conspiracy theories, too.

So, enough about him.

You want real election problems? How about the corrosive influence of big money in our politics? Or the fact that Princeton researchers have shown our iPhones are more secure than our voting machines. With Russian hackers circling, we must do better.

That’s a real election-integrity problem. Unlike the GOP complaints currently on the table, it won’t magically vanish if black people start voting Republican this November, or if Trump’s flaming cow-pie of a campaign suddenly rights itself. (Equally unlikely, I’d wager.)

Real problems are hard enough to fix. Enough already with the crazy conspiracies.

August 8, 2016 at 12:42 pm
Jennifer Stamper says:

You and the liberal elitist in this country literally believe that everyone is as stupid as you are insinuating African Americans are by your continuing insinuation that they can't get an ID. Seriously.

That is beside the point. The issues with requiring and ID is not about African American voters though you will continue to make it about race and use every statistic you can warp to do so. The need for a voter ID is due to the very high number of individuals now living in our country who are not citizens and therefore by our constitution do not have the legal right to vote. Study the law.

We need to ensure that everyone who votes in the election is legally able to do so. I don't care if you are white, black, purple or red I do want to know that you are a legal citizen and so should you. I am tired of the liberal rhetoric, hate, and race baiting. Stop it already because it is doing nothing but continuing to spread hate.

When are you going to stop insulting African Americans by insinuating we are too stupid to do things we are legal required to do.

August 8, 2016 at 3:00 pm
Richard L Bunce says:

CO always running editorials about campaign money corruption/influencing elections... should they pipe down too?

Of course the only thing that matters is what actual legal voters do with their actual legal ballots. Now it looks like we are heading for the Wild West of voting with anyone being able to vote whether legal or not...