August 5, 2014 at 8:52 am
Norm Kelly says:
The only ones surprised by this information will be libs. The only ones who will claim the study was improperly done, the results were skewed on purpose by the opponent of liberalism (in other words, those waskly conservatives!) will be libs.
But anyone with the ability to think, anyone with the ability to do the slightest amount of research on their own will know that this information is too true.
Libs are NOT concerned about the welfare of anyone but themselves. The purpose of lib schemes is to concentrate power with the elite libs who will be the office occupiers. Libs are happy to buy votes. Libs are happy to tell blacks that they are incapable of making it through life on their own; libs insist that blacks can only survive because of the special help provided by libs and the payments received from the libs. Blacks can't even get to the voting booth on their own; blacks are incapable of getting a picture ID on their own - heck even when the state will pay for a picture ID, libs claim that blacks won't qualify. Every lib scheme comes down to the same 2 reasons/causes/expectations. First, buying votes is good and should be allowed to thrive cuz the people we steal the money from earned it on the backs of the poor. Concentration of power within the government is good and should be expanded because they expect themselves to be the majority in power and libs LOVE power & control.
What is the net result of lib power & control? Holding DOWN the masses. Lie to the masses and hope they don't figure it out. If you lie often enough, loud enough, many of the masses will believe you. By the time the masses figure out that the lib pols were telling lies for the purpose of concentrating power, the libs scheme is that it will be too late in the process and the libs will be able to squelch any protest because they will be in charge of making laws. Or in the case of what's going on since the occupier took over, the libs will be the ones in charge of ignoring the law! If you tell people often enough that YOU are above the law, as the current occupier does, then the masses begin to believe that the law actually does NOT apply to you. The masses will start to believe that YOU are the law.
It happens every time with libs. The result is NOT what matters. Or more properly stated, more correctly stated to coincide with lib schemes, it's not the RESULT YOU think they are shooting for that matters. It's the result the lib schemes are designed to get that matters. The result of lib schemes is NOT to help the masses be 'better off'. The lib schemes desired result is to have control OVER the masses and tell people how much they can make, how much they are allowed to keep, and how much they MUST spend in order to survive.
Look at how well socialism has worked in European countries. You will find that the masses are NOT better off because of lib schemes. Look at the scheme to control what people eat, how much they are allowed to drink, what they are allowed to smoke, heck even control e-cigs! LIbs even decided that you are not allowed to buy incandescent light bulbs! Talk about control! Not to help the masses, but to CONTROL the masses.