Published September 28, 2023
By Carter Wrenn
A young man sitting at dinner in a crowded restaurant leaned back.
“I work with three Trumpsters. They love Trump. I asked one, ‘When Trump says he can end the Ukraine war in 24 hours – do you believe that?’ He absolutely did. 100%. Why can’t he see what Trump said was silly?”
I nodded: “If you figure it out, let me know.”
His wife, sitting beside him, turned in her chair. “Religion’s not what it used to be. It matters less now. But people still need something to believe it – and he found it. In Trump.”
When a man loses his faith in God he doesn’t believe in nothing – he finds something else to believe in. That’s a story going back to Ancient Greeks, Pharaohs, Babylonians: Men create idols, believe idols can save them – but they can’t. And sooner or later there’s a reckoning.