I want my money back

Published August 10, 2013

by Julie Gilstrap, The Locker Room, August 9, 2013.

The latest movie to benefit from North Carolina’s taxpayer funded film incentive scheme, We’re the Millers, was released this week.  I’ll admit I haven’t seen it, but it looks like some quality cinema.  Rotten Tomatoes summed it up with this:

Blandly offensive (or perhaps merely offensively bland), We’re the Millers squanders its potential — and its cast — with an uneven, lazily assembled comedy.

Nice.  There’s some praise.

Jon Sanders researched N.C.’s Film Tax Incentives for a piece published by the John Locke Foundation last year, and he’s written about them in his weekly newsletter, as well.  We’ve blogged about them repeatedly.

Like all corporate welfare programs, this is a case of the government spending taxpayer money in an attempt to pick winners.  They don’t have a good track record  – not when it comes to choosing films or to choosing other businesses.  And does anyone really believe a movie like this is going to have people rushing to North Carolina and therefore boost tourism?

I want my money back

August 10, 2013 at 10:58 am
Norm Kelly says:

Exactly on the money! Couldn't agree more.

It's about time government at every level stop picking winners & losers. It's time government agencies stopped playing investment bankers. Some politician gets a wild hair up their butt and decide which business should get money from my back pocket. Every other business in the state is told to go scr_w themselves because politicians know which businesses need a boost because they are good for the economy and which businesses can survive on their own or just plain aren't good for the economy. Because we all know 2 things: politicians are smarter than the average bear; most businesses are just plain bad for the economy & the general population of the state.

When private money is invested in business it's usually because some investor believes they can make a profit on the investment. (before all you bleeding-heart, sickening liberals go nuts on me, profit is not a dirty word. profit is not supposed to be illegal. if you liberals don't like profit, don't make any and don't contribute to any business that knows how to do it!) When government agencies spend money on a business, the outcome is almost always questionable. And it's properly called "spending" not investing.

It's time government allowed ME to choose which business I want to invest in and then let ME take the profit or loss! One more opportunity for government to get the he-- out of my back pocket!

August 10, 2013 at 11:55 am
dj anderson says:

What if NC did NOT TAX at all those bringing jobs to the state, or keeping jobs in the state, or spending money in the state? Why does the state have to put its hand in the pocket of everyone or anything that spends a buck to make a buck? The State has to do something to earn the money being taken. Let's help everyone make a buck, and spend a buck, here in North Carolina. Let's figure out how to keep that money in NC.