How are McCrory and Obama alike?
Published June 16, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, June 15, 2015.
Both ended last week looking weak and ineffective, even within their own parties. The President was abandoned by Democrats on a big trade vote, and the Governor was run over again by Republicans on a big veto.
McCrory looked strong and savvy when he vetoed the misnamed “ag gag” law and the law that lets magistrates refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
Now he just looks like he’s not up to the job.
There’s one big difference between Pat and Barack. Obama may still get his priority, a trade bill. But McCrory may not get his priority, a big highway and building bond issue.
McCrory made it worse with his statement after the Senate Bill 2 override: “Some people inside the beltline are focusing on symbolic issues. I remain focused on the issues that are going to have the greatest impact on the next generation such as creating jobs, building roads, strengthening education and improving our quality of life.”
Well, if the law was just symbolic and unimportant, why had he put out a veto statement explaining why he thought it was important to veto it?
He said then, “No public official who voluntarily swears to support and defend the Constitution and to discharge all duties of their office should be exempt from upholding that oath.”
Sounds important.
Now the overrides make the Governor look unimportant and irrelevant.
June 16, 2015 at 9:20 am
Frank Burns says:
We should also point out that the press has always been against McCrory but covers for Obama. There must be some journalistic code to never report bad news when it pertains to Obama. Blame someone else.