Hint for Hillary
Published February 12, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, February 12, 2016.
Probably sixty-dozen Friends of Bill and Hillary already have weighed in with confusing and conflicting advice about what to do now. So I offer a suggestion with full confidence it will have no impact whatsoever, which will enable me to later (1) deny I ever said it, or (2) say I told you so.
My premise is that the Clinton campaign will (a) step up its attacks on Sanders and/or (b) start throwing out detailed policy proposals to appeal to people who like Bernie Sanders.
There’s a Third Way. (This is how you appeal to Bill Clinton!)
Hillary should hug Bernie, not hit him. She should give him the credit he’s due for surfacing a big issue that people care about. And then she should co-opt him, thusly:
“We should all thank Senator Sanders for putting on the table one of the most important issues before us today: the fact that billionaires and big money have corrupted our government and our economy. He’s taught us all a lesson – and, believe me, he’s taught me.
“He’s right, and I get it. And the issue now is which one of us can win the Presidency in November and get something done about it.”
Then – very important – Clinton needs to talk more about “you” and “we” and “us” and less about “me” and “I.” She has to convince voters that she truly does get why they’re angry, anxious and afraid of the future.
People know she has the skills and the smarts. She has to show she has the heart. She has to show, not to put too fine a point on it, that she feels their pain.