Hillary's scars and secrets

Published September 9, 2016

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, September 8, 2016.

You watch the Commander-in-Chief’s forum, and you see clearly that Donald Trump is dangerously unfit for office. But the race is too close for comfort. Why?

First, Hillary Clinton is a woman. It’s that simple. And it’s unfair. But it’s a fact.

Second, she and Bill have been on the front pages of national politics for a quarter-century. That’s a long time. You build up a lot of negatives, and you pile up a lot of haters. 

But a lot of people who’ve been on that stage a long time have a happy-warrior aspect to them. Bill, for one. Joe Biden. The late Ted Kennedy. Not Hillary. When she smiles, it’s through gritted teeth. And you get that, given all the hits she’s taken.

And there’s something else here, something that doesn’t have to be here. 

That something traces back to her suspicious nature, her penchant for secrecy and her ill-concealed hostility to the media.

I have learned one lesson from being around the media for fifty years (I started when I was seven): If you treat the media with suspicion and hostility, they will repay you with suspicion and hostility.

That’s why the media won’t let go of the email questions. They say, “There are still unanswered questions!” And “she can’t put away this issue!” (Of course not. You won’t let her.)

When Clinton makes herself available for questions, reporters pursue her more relentlessly on her emails than they pursue Trump on the hundreds of questionable things he’s said and done.

The Washington Post says all her problems go back to a fateful White House meeting on December 11, 1993, when the Clintons rejected aides’ advice that they release documents relating to the Whitewater real estate deal.

From then on, the Clintons have stuck to a strategy of defiance and stonewalling, based on the perfectly rational rationale that their enemies would use anything they released against them.

So the media always assumes the Clintons are hiding something. 

And the cycle feeds on itself.

Hillary worked on the Watergate investigation, so she should learn a lesson from Richard Nixon. 

In his maudlin farewell speech, Nixon said, “Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.”

That was good advice, though Nixon lacked the self-awareness to take it himself.

Hillary needs to heed it. She probably will win the election even If she doesn’t. But then what happens? Will she survive four more years of this?


September 20, 2016 at 2:32 pm
Norm Kelly says:

To quote Forest Gump: 'stupid is as stupid does'.

Once again, when libs start with a false premise, the remainder of their blatherings are pointless and probably also prone to untruths. Who is it that pays attention to the fact that Hildaliar claims to be a woman? Libs. Socialists. Women. No one else cares! Yes, libs claim it's a fact that Hildaliar is a woman. But is there any proof? Is it unfair that she claims to be a woman? Probably.

Is this what Gary meant? Probably not, but it makes as much sense as what he really meant.

When libs/socialists can't play the race card, they default to the woman card. When libs/socialists don't have any valid ground to stand on, no new policies or ideas, heck they don't have any ideas not just new ideas, they make outrageous unfounded claims, like she's a woman. Was it Madeline Halfwhit who said that women were obligated to vote for Hildaliar BECAUSE they all have vaginas? Regardless of who said it, it also is a stooopid statement.

What is actually at the root of Hildaliar's lack of winning poll numbers? Start with her new nickname: Hildaliar. She has no concept of what truth is. She lies about the lies she is caught telling.

Then there's her health, or lack of health. Libs whined about McCain being too old & feeble to be president. Yet his health remains better than Hildaliar's. And somehow, in the little brains of lib/socialists, Hildaliar remains qualified to be President. No double standard here - these are not the droids propping up Hildaliar!

Then there's the stoooopid things she spews. Like referring to half Donald's supporters as despicable or deplorable. Takes one to know one. And they don't come much more despicable than Hildaliar!

How about CNN covering for Hildaliar? When she makes an idi0tic statement about Trump properly referring to the explosion as a bomb, while she uses the word 'bomb', but refers to Trump as being out of line for using that word, CNN then edits her statement so she doesn't use the word 'bomb'. But she DID use the word 'bomb' when describing what happened in NY, while referring to Trump as being foolish for using the word 'bomb'.

So, why isn't Hildaliar beating Trump by a wide margin? Does it have anything to do with what her sex MIGHT be? Nope, that's lib/socialist drivel. Garbage that needs to be ignored. The real reason Hildaliar is not wiping the floor with Donald is because Hildaliar is so totally unqualified and unhinged that even demons are beginning to see the truth about her. She is her own worst enemy. People are starting to see through media allies who are covering for her, see her lies for the lies they are. And starting to NOT trust what they hear or read from those who make excuses for her. Like Gary. Cuz when the premise of the post is a LIE, the rest of the post isn't worth reading. As is true for most things lib!