Hillary and Bernie
Published January 27, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, January 25, 2016.
We’re not fighting each other like the Republicans are – yet. But insults are flying on social media. Bad feelings are growing. And the voting hasn’t even started.
Bias alert: I’m for Hillary. Her heart and mind are in the right place. She is by far the most able and qualified candidate of either party – in experience, temperament and judgment. She’s the best person to continue the peace and prosperity President Obama brought us.
Plus, Sanders would decimate Democrats in November. It would take years to recover from the disaster.
That said, there are three problems with Clinton’s campaign.
- She’s just not a good politician. She has all of Bill’s negatives and none of his positives. He can connect with anybody anytime; she, not so much. Maybe it’s the difference between growing up in Hot Springs, Arkansas and Park Ridge, Illinois.
- Bernie’s critique of how money has corrupted our government is right on the money, so to speak. (Hillary’ $250,000 speaking fees don’t help here.)
- The Clinton campaign’s attacks on Sanders are clumsy, ineffective and embittering. Hillary can’t pull it off, Bill can’t pull it off and Chelsea certainly can’t.
So here’s my two cents for what Hillary should say: (1) Bernie is exactly right. (2) But I’m the person who can fix it.
January 27, 2016 at 3:11 pm
Johnny Hiott says:
Beliefs such as these regarding hillary clinton are proof of the need for more mental hospitals in north carolina. For anyone to actually believe that hillary clinton would make a good president after the dozens of crimes she has committed against this nation is astonishing.
January 28, 2016 at 4:48 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Regardless of how many people died, how many times she's proven to lie, how many women's lives she helped ruin because of her dirt-bag husband, there are simply those who's minds are so closed that they will support Hildabeast! Just like there are some libs that are so hard-core left-wing zealots that they believe Obamacancer didn't go far enough!
Regardless of how bad lefties are PROVEN, there are just some minds that can't handle the truth.
Such a shame that people with such low regard for truth happen to have such a forum to voice their misguided opinions.
We can only hope that some of the readers can see through the fog and realize that Billary will be even worse for the nation than the current occupier has been. There's still hope. Lefties tend to defy even hope. Maybe I'll pray for these ill-informed, closed-minded racists. That oughta frost their cookies!