Hagan criticizes Obama on veterans issues ahead of his Charlotte visit

Published August 25, 2014

by Jim Morrill, News and Observer, August 23, 2014.

Three weeks after signing into law a major overhaul of the Department of Veterans Affairs, President Barack Obama will come to Charlotte Tuesday to speak to the American Legion.

The president is expected to speak in the morning, though no details have been announced. The 2.4 million member organization began its convention Friday.

National Commander Daniel Dellinger said the legion “is honored that the nation’s commander-in-chief will address those … who have served in uniform.”

But Obama is expected to meet skeptics – including at least one in his own party.

“The Obama Administration has not yet done enough to earn the lasting trust of our veterans and implement real and permanent reforms at the VA,” Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan said in a statement. “I hope to hear the President address these challenges.”

Hagan is in a tight race with Republican Thom Tillis. Republicans have tried to tie Hagan to Obama, whose approval rating was 41 percent in one recent survey.

Obama signed the VA measure after months of turmoil at the agency. Embattled Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned in May. This month Congress confirmed a new secretary, Robert McDonald.

“We wish it hadn’t taken as long as it did to really start making some progress with problems at the VA,” said Dave Rehbein, a past national commander. “Now … we’re looking forward to hearing from the president about what the plans are to fix some of the long-standing problems.”

August 25, 2014 at 7:18 am
Thomas Hauck says:

Senator Hagan will criticize President Obama when he comes to our state and the News and Observer will publicize her comments but she will vote with the President and carry out his agenda when they are both safely back in Washington.

Senator Hagan and President Obama together said "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and "If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan".

August 25, 2014 at 9:03 am
Frank Burns says:

Too little too late for Ms Hagan. Criticizing Obama now smacks of political opportunism. For his entire term Hagan has been complicit with Obama and Harry Reid by voting exactly as they requested. She has been part of the do nothing senate, the land of 10,000 excuses.

August 25, 2014 at 12:47 pm
Norm Kelly says:

I'll add my support to the 2 comments already posted.

Where has K been for over 5 years? What has SHE done, what has SHE proposed to get the VA health system fixed? Is it possible for the Noise & Disturber to print K's previous comments praising the VA health system? Did K ever say anything about comparing the socialized medicine plan of the VA with what Obamacancer would be like? Was she one of the Demons holding up the VA system as something opponents of Obamascare should be looking forward to? I know there were other Demons who told us to look at the success of the VA system as proof that socialized medicine would be good for the rest of us as well. Was K one of them? If so, how does her history compare with her apparent opportunistic comments on the VA system now? Is she a typical pol and flip-flopped now because it might be good for her? Of course, what most pols and it seems every Demon forgets is that we all have access to the Internet now where videos live on and we can find them on our own even if the N&D chooses to support her & carry water for her. Power to the people by getting around the 'media'. Has K's polling determined that if she stands against Obama (finally!) that her numbers will improve? Are lib voters really that gullible? Or will lib voters once again prove to demon pols that they are as stup1d as the pols believe they are? Lib pols lie to lib voters on a regular basis, tell the most outrageous lies about Republicans, and hope that lib voters won't bother investigating the truth. And most of the time lib voters just go along with the lib pol like good little lemmings!