Hagan continues to lead by 4 points

Published September 17, 2014

by Tom Jensen, PPP, September 16, 2014.

PPP's newest North Carolina Senate poll finds the race steady compared to a month ago. Kay Hagan continues to lead by 4 points, with 44% to 40% for Thom Tillis and 5% for Libertarian Sean Haugh. Haugh's impact on the race is waning- since June his support has dropped from 11% now down to this 5% standing. He's also no longer disproportionately drawing supporters away from Tillis- when Haugh's supporters are reallocated to who they would choose between Hagan and Tillis, Hagan continues to hold a 4 point lead at 46/42.

Hagan's image is improving some as the election nears. She still has a negative approval rating at 43/48, but that's an improvement from the 40/50 spread she had in July. And her net approval is still a good deal better than Tillis' -14 net favorability- 34% of voters see him favorably to 48% with an unfavorable opinion. He's seen steady improvement in his numbers as well after being at a 24/47 spread in July, but continues to find himself in a worse position than Hagan.

Hagan continues to have a massive advantage with women at 49/33, while Tillis is ahead 48/38 with men. Hagan trails only 49/35 with white voters, numbers that will generally get a Democrat elected statewide in North Carolina, and leads 77/7 with African Americans. Hagan has a 41/33 lead with independents that helps her make up for Tillis getting 13% of the Democratic vote while Hagan gets just 7% of Republicans.

One issue that likely continues to be problematic for Tillis is the minimum wage. North Carolinians support it being increased to $10 an hour by a 57/34 margin, including 52/37 with independents. Barack Obama's continued unpopularity still has the potential to cause Hagan trouble with late deciding voters though- it's 42/55 overall and with those who haven't made their minds up yet it's 25/61. This remains a close race and despite the good run of polling for Hagan over the last week still probably belongs in the toss up category.

“Kay Hagan’s lead is steady compared to a month ago,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “She got the lead back during this summer’s legislative session and so far she’s holding onto it.”

PPP surveyed 1,266 likely voters from September 11th to 14th. The margin of error for the survey is +/- 2.8%. 80% of interviews for the poll were conducted over the phone with 20% interviewed over the internet to reach respondents who don’t have landline telephones.

Topline results are below. Full results, including crosstabs, can be found here.

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President

Barack Obama's job performance?

Approve .......................................................... 42%

Disapprove...................................................... 53%

Not sure .......................................................... 5%

Q2 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator Kay

Hagan’s job performance?

Approve .......................................................... 43%

Disapprove...................................................... 48%

Not sure .......................................................... 9%

Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of Thom Tillis?

Favorable........................................................ 34%

Unfavorable .................................................... 48%

Not sure .......................................................... 18%

Q4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of Sean Haugh?

Favorable........................................................ 8%

Unfavorable .................................................... 17%

Not sure .......................................................... 75%

Q5 The candidates for U.S. Senate are Democrat

Kay Hagan, Republican Thom Tillis, and

Libertarian Sean Haugh. If the election was

today, who would you vote for?

Kay Hagan...................................................... 44%

Thom Tillis ...................................................... 40%

Sean Haugh.................................................... 5%

Undecided....................................................... 11%

Q6 Combined Horse race, with Haugh supporters

allocated to whether they lean Hagan or Tillis

Kay Hagan...................................................... 46%

Thom Tillis ...................................................... 42%

Not sure .......................................................... 12%

Q7 The candidates for one North Carolina

Supreme Court seat this fall are Robin Hudson

and Eric Levinson. If the election was today,

who would you vote for?

Robin Hudson ................................................. 18%

Eric Levinson .................................................. 10%

Undecided....................................................... 72%

Q8 Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Pat

McCrory’s job performance?

Approve .......................................................... 41%

Disapprove...................................................... 46%

Not sure .......................................................... 13%

Q9 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of Roy Cooper?

Favorable........................................................ 33%

Unfavorable .................................................... 19%

Not sure .......................................................... 49%

Q10 If the candidates for Governor in 2016 were

Republican Pat McCrory and Democrat Roy

Cooper, who would you vote for?

Pat McCrory.................................................... 44%

Roy Cooper..................................................... 41%

Not sure .......................................................... 15%

Q11 Do you approve or disapprove of Senator

Richard Burr’s job performance?

Approve .......................................................... 30%

Disapprove...................................................... 32%

Not sure .......................................................... 38%

Q12 If the candidates for President next time were

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Jeb

Bush, who would you vote for?

Hillary Clinton.................................................. 43%

Jeb Bush......................................................... 45%

Not sure .......................................................... 12%

Q13 If the candidates for President next time were

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Chris

Christie, who would you vote for?

Hillary Clinton.................................................. 45%

Chris Christie .................................................. 38%

Not sure .......................................................... 17%

Q14 If the candidates for President next time were

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Ted

Cruz, who would you vote for?

Hillary Clinton.................................................. 48%

Ted Cruz ......................................................... 40%

Not sure .......................................................... 12%

Q15 If the candidates for President next time were

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Mike

Huckabee, who would you vote for?

Hillary Clinton.................................................. 45%

Mike Huckabee ............................................... 46%

Not sure .......................................................... 9%

Q16 If the candidates for President next time were

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Rand

Paul, who would you vote for?

Hillary Clinton.................................................. 46%

Rand Paul ....................................................... 41%

Not sure .......................................................... 13%

Q17 Do you approve or disapprove of the job the

General Assembly is doing?

Approve .......................................................... 18%

Disapprove...................................................... 58%

Not sure .......................................................... 24%

Q18 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of the Democrats in the North Carolina


Favorable........................................................ 33%

Unfavorable .................................................... 46%

Not sure .......................................................... 20%

Q19 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of the Republicans in the North Carolina


Favorable........................................................ 33%

Unfavorable .................................................... 51%

Not sure .......................................................... 16%

Q20 Generally speaking, if there was an election for

the state legislature today, would you vote for

the Democratic or Republican candidate from

your district?

Democrat ........................................................ 43%

Republican...................................................... 44%

Not sure .......................................................... 13%

Q21 Would you support or oppose raising the

minimum wage to $10 an hour?

Support ........................................................... 57%

Oppose ........................................................... 34%

Not sure .......................................................... 9%

Q22 North Carolina is eligible to receive new federal

funding to pay for health care through the

Medicaid program. Do you think the North

Carolina state government should accept this

federal funding to expand Medicaid coverage,

or not?

Think the state should accept the funds.......... 57%

Think it should not........................................... 28%

Not sure .......................................................... 15%

Q23 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of Bill Clinton?

Favorable........................................................ 49%

Unfavorable .................................................... 39%

Not sure .......................................................... 11%

Q24 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion

of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell?

Favorable........................................................ 19%

Unfavorable .................................................... 32%

Not sure .......................................................... 48%

Q25 Do you think that Roger Goodell should resign

as NFL Commissioner, or not?

Think he should resign.................................... 26%

Think he should not ........................................ 30%

Not sure .......................................................... 44%

Q26 The candidates for Chief Justice of the

Supreme Court are Ola Lewis and Mark Martin.

If the election was today, who would you vote


Ola Lewis........................................................ 7%

Mark Martin..................................................... 16%

Undecided....................................................... 77%

Q27 The candidates for another Supreme Court

seat are Sam Ervin and Bob Hunter. If the

election was today, who would you vote for?

Sam Ervin ....................................................... 21%

Bob Hunter...................................................... 13%

Undecided....................................................... 66%

Q28 The candidates for another Supreme Court

seat are Cheri Beasley and Mike Robinson. If

the election was today, who would you vote


Cheri Beasley ................................................. 13%

Mike Robinson ................................................ 9%

Undecided....................................................... 78%

Q29 The candidates for one Court of Appeals seat

are Lucy Inman and Bill Southern. If the

election was today, who would you vote for?

Lucy Inman ..................................................... 9%

Bill Southern ................................................... 8%

Undecided....................................................... 83%

Q30 The candidates for another Court of Appeals

seat are Mark Davis and Paul Holcombe. If the

election was today, who would you vote for?

Mark Davis...................................................... 8%

Paul Holcombe ............................................... 7%

Undecided....................................................... 85%

Q31 In the last presidential election, did you vote for

Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?

Barack Obama................................................ 45%

Mitt Romney.................................................... 49%

Someone else / Don't remember .................... 5%

Q32 Would you describe yourself as very liberal,

somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat

conservative, or very conservative?

Very liberal ...................................................... 11%

Somewhat liberal ............................................ 16%

Moderate......................................................... 30%

Somewhat conservative.................................. 24%

Very conservative ........................................... 19%

Q33 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.

Woman ........................................................... 53%

Man................................................................. 47%

Q34 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican,

press 2. If you are an independent or identify

with another party, press 3.

Democrat ........................................................ 45%

Republican...................................................... 34%

Independent / Other........................................ 21%

Q35 If you are white, press 1. If African-American,

press 2. If other, press 3.

White .............................................................. 73%

African-American ............................................ 20%

Other............................................................... 7%

Q36 If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1. If 30 to

45, press 2. If 46 to 65, press 3. If you are 65

or older, press 4.

18 to 29........................................................... 10%

30 to 45........................................................... 20%

46 to 65........................................................... 45%

Older than 65.................................................. 25%

Q37 Mode

Phone ............................................................. 80%

Internet ........................................................... 20%

Q38 Area Code

252.................................................................. 11%

336.................................................................. 16%

704.................................................................. 17%

828.................................................................. 12%

910.................................................................. 9%

919.................................................................. 16%

Area Code....................................................... 20%
