Guidelines for NC SPIN Comments

Published August 13, 2013

We want and NC SPIN on Facebook to be centers for productive and healthy dialogue about public policy issues and have high expectations of those participating in the debate. There have been recent submissions that we believe do not further honest and civil discussions and feel the need to provide the following guidelines:


  1. To post a comment on or NC SPIN on Facebook requires the use of first and last names….pseudonyms and group names will be rejected, as will the use of suspicious looking names. If you are not willing for others to know your name we will not post your comments.
  2. We encourage debate and disagreement but we can disagree without being disagreeable. NC SPIN WILL NOT POST or will remove contributions involving name-calling; personal attacks; profanity;  mean,  rude or demeaning comments or uncivil discussion. Comments unrelated to the topic are also subject to removal.
  3. No posts that contain solicitations for commercial products or a business will be accepted.

NC SPIN reserves the right to make final decisions about submissions. We welcome your comments and suggestions at

August 13, 2013 at 7:27 pm
jack dawsey says:

Jack Dawsey.