Published February 13, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, February 12, 2015.
February 13, 2015 at 10:39 am
Norm Kelly says:
Talk about lib mantra regurgitation. Funny how when Muslims cut off some Americans head, libs come out to tell us it's not a Muslim religion thing. Funny how when Muslims attack a JEWISH deli and purposely target JEWS libs come out to tell us it was a random act of violence. Funny how when 3 JEWS are killed in the Northeast (don't remember specifically where, do your own darn research!) it's not considered a hate crime by libs. Funny how when a Muslim targets military staff on a base in Texas, screaming some Muslim crap line, killing American soldiers, libs call it work place violence. Funny how when some lady in a western state gets her head cut off, it's a random act of violence (again, do your own research to find the details!). Libs once again avoid telling us that the perp was a Muslim.
In the case mentioned in this post, it appears some guy in Chapel Hill killed 3 people. It's a shame. Especially in the most tolerant, loving, kindly city in the state! Libs are beside themselves wondering how such a hater could possibly be allowed to live in their midst! But the point is, the dead are Muslim, so according to the left wing radicals the ONLY reason these 3 were killed is because they were Muslim. According to libs/socialists like Mr. Price, there is NO other explanation for this killing than the FACT that these 3 were Muslim! What a complete jurk! I'm so glad Republicans in Raleigh took me out of that b0neheads district!
Then the tired, lame, lib mantra goes on with another lame line: 'Pardon us for understanding exactly why Muslims feel they are targets of hate. Because they are'. Yup. That's right. In America, Muslims are the targets of violence. Muslims are NOT perps killing people, beheading people, attacking military personnel on base, attacking Jews in the deli. It's Muslims who are the targets!
One can only hope that libs/socialists/America haters will one day see the light of their outrageous beliefs. One can only hope they will see the light before it's too late. Of course, every time some lib opens their mouth to spew more id1ot1c lines about how peaceful the Muslim religion is, how peaceful Muslim people are, how Muslims are the targets of violence for no reason other than intolerance, we know for sure that their eyes are still closed. Talk about drinking kool-aid! We know not to expect common sense from people like David Price, and especially the current unqualified community organizer occupier, but to get this kind of drivel from people like Gary is unforgivable! Shame on Gary for continuing such a lame lib talking point. And to point to a left-wing extremist such as Price to support your point shows just how far you have to go to make a point. Credibility is something libs appear not to care about anymore.