Good start, right direction. A lot left to do

Published November 8, 2018

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, November 7, 2018.

Democrats should be smiling big today, in North Carolina and across the nation. They should be optimistic about 2020 and beyond.

Above all, there are now checks on Trump in Washington and Republicans in Raleigh. Trump now faces Speaker Pelosi, a Democratic House and investigative bloodhounds instead of toothless lapdogs. Governor Cooper has a real veto, and the Republicans’ two power-grab constitutional amendments failed.

Beating the amendments and breaking both super-majorities are huge wins for the Governor, his team and North Carolina Democrats. So is Anita Earls on the Supreme Court and the Appeals Court races. So is the fact that the two biggest and fastest-growing counties in the state, Wake and Mecklenburg, went all blue.

There are disappointments. Mack Paul’s loss to John Alexander is a loss for Wake and Franklin counties. Rachel Hunt’s apparent (but not final) narrow loss in Mecklenburg is a heartbreaker, not just because of my history with Governor Hunt but also because she would be an extraordinary leader.

Across the country, we saw the widening divide between two Americas. Trump’s America is rural, white, nationalistic and, yes, racist. Democrats’ America is urban, increasingly suburban, diverse, open and tolerant. That augers well for the future of Democrats. We’re growing where America is going. Trump’s America that is passing by, and now the Republican Party’s future is tied to him.

North Carolina remains closely divided along those lines. But we are moving away from the Solid South of Trump and in the same direction as Virginia.

In the Solid South, the big no-surprise was that elections still turn on race. But a black man (!) almost won in Florida, a black woman (!!) almost won in Georgia and an out-and-out liberal (!?) almost won in Texas. I put a question mark behind Beto O’Rourke because it’s not clear whether the outcome was about his appeal or the sheer lizardly loathsomeness of Ted Cruz.

Looking to 2020, it’s encouraging that Democrats did well in the Midwestern states where Trump narrowly won the Presidency in 2016. In 2020, the election will be all about Trump. That’s why Democrats should shelve impeachment. Let the people decide.

Lastly, let’s celebrate how far Democrats have come since the low point of 2010. They’ve been forced to rebuild and reorganize, and they’ve done it in the face of unconstitutional gerrymandering and voter-suppression efforts that are immoral, corrupt and maybe criminal.

The long years of battle have honed their skills, hardened their determination and fostered the emergence of a huge corps of volunteers, operatives, donors and candidates.

The future looks bright. Take some time to celebrate. Then get to work again. Let’s make America what it can be, should be and will be.

November 8, 2018 at 7:36 pm
Norm Kelly says:

This could only come from an alt-left zealot. Someone with eyes wide closed!

First, where's your proof that either Trump is racist or that we supporters are racist? How's the black employment stats since Trump took office? How do those stats compare to the stats when your beloved savior was President (and fortunately no longer is!)? So, if Trump and we supporters are such racists, how do you explain the drop in black unemployment? Second, what has Trump done that demonstrates he's a racist? If you can't provide proof, your just a wind blowing over open ocean - no affect on anything and a case as solid as Dr. Ford's! Useless wind.

So, what's wrong with being white? Is it not OK to be white any longer? If you say this, then how can I become black? If I claim to be a black female, then am I no longer a racist? I can't wear blackface without being a racist, but I can claim to be black without repercussion?

Demoncrats are anything but diverse. Their tent is anything but open. And socialists like Mad Maxine, and Hildaliar (hildabeast? Hillary) are the exact opposite of tolerant. It's mighty darn hard to find a tolerant lib/socialist these days. Remember when Mad Maxine told liberal voters to attack conservatives if they dared venture out into public? We do. Remember when Hildaliar said there could be 'collateral' damage, and that would be OK. We do. And none of their gibberish shows anything close to tolerant.

Then there's the college campus groups that demonstrate their tolerance and openness. When was the last time a conservative was allowed on campus and NOT shouted down, NOT threatened with violence, or NOT actually attacked? How about those college campuses that invite communist leaders to speak to their students? Those same colleges want to charge conservative groups on campus for security if a conservative speaker is invited. The reason the conservative group needs to pay for security at the conservative event? Cuz the libs on campus PROMISE violence if the speaker is allowed, and without the paid-for security, someone WILL get hurt. The libs on campus promise it!

So, alt-left zealot author, where's your proof of Trump and we supporters being racists? Also, where's your proof that ANY lib is open OR tolerant?

There is NOTHING nice, admirable, or trust worthy about today's liberals. They are violent. They are close-minded. And they believe blacks are less capable and MUST be helped by liberals to get through life. So, who are the racists? Those who believe blacks are capable or those (libs) who believe blacks are less than?

Still want proof of your outrageous claims. Ask Dr Ford for some help here if necessary. She's proven how good she is at providing corroboration and evidence!

The rest of your blatherings weren't worth my time.

November 9, 2018 at 11:53 pm
Gail Williams says:

Norm maybe you would like to google 'Coup on FDR', 'ALEC', Rebecca Mercer,David Koch, Shelton Addelson, Smedly Butler (he saved us from attempted fascism in 1933), Ayn Rand(Ron Paul named his son Rand Paul in her honor). Good info is hard to find and Democracy dies in darkness and it is difficult to find the truth but there are some good but hard to find, internet sources!We all have the same basic needs and we need to stand together to protect Social Security and health care! Take care and be aware

November 11, 2018 at 1:11 pm
Ken Shields says: