General Assembly to hold special session to deal with bathroom issue
Published March 22, 2016
by Donna King, Jones and Blount, March 22, 2015.
The North Carolina General Assembly will return to Raleigh for a special session Wednesday aimed at addressing Charlotte’s recent city-wide bathroom ordinance. House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Kings Mountain) and Senate President Lt. Gov. Dan Forest say that they have the required two-thirds of the legislature signed on to hold the legislative session.
Gov. McCrory is supporting the special session, but is also cautioning members to keep the scope of the session narrow. He wants them to only to address the specific issue of the Charlotte bathroom ordinance passed by the Charlotte City Council last month. The ordinance allows people to use any gender bathroom they prefer, as opposed to the one that matches their biology. The ordinance sparked criticism statewide. Rumors circulated on Jones Street Monday that some lawmakers are hoping to enlarge the debate to include broader religious liberties legislation.
“Anything above and beyond the bathroom and locker room issue should be dealt with during the full legislative session to allow for public hearings and a broader discussion,” read a memo Monday afternoon to the General Assembly from Fred Steen, the Governor’s director of legislative affairs.
The special extra session will be held on Wednesday at 10:30am in Raleigh.
March 22, 2016 at 8:23 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Pray our legislators have the will, the intelligence, to do the right thing. Pray they have the intestinal fortitude to OVERRIDE Charlotte's idiotic idea.
What's more important? The safety of our family members or the potential for hurt feelings by a few gay people? Remember, it's the gay people who are dealing with a mental disorder NOT US STRAIGHT PEOPLE! It's well past time for normal people, thinking people, Christians to all come together to defeat this left-wing radical lunacy.
Is there another way to describe allowing your pervert male family member to use the same bathroom or shower as my daughter? No! How's that for being blunt?! Sometimes truth hurts. Liberals seem to always be hurt by truth! Would you like an example of a lib who prefers truth? So would the rest of us. When you find that individual, let the rest of us know. Bernie 'the bern' might attempt some truth, but he falls far short. He might WANT free education and free medical care, but it ain't free and he ain't telling you. So he doesn't actually believe in truth. Billary is the biggest liar going, outside of his husband. At least the husband LOOKED like he could be telling the truth. You knew he was telling lies, but you wanted to give him the benefit. With Billary, there's no question of the depth of lies! (which one of them plays the husband most often?)
Oh, and don't forget. Cuz this is important. If you disagree with me since I've started identifying as a black female, you prove that YOU are a racist. It also proves that you are a sexist. Plus it proves that you don't accept just anyone identifying as something they really aren't, it's just your perverted sense that wants to be accepted and you don't want to accept me. Pretty slim standard you quacks have!