Game changer

Published April 18, 2014

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, April 17, 2014.

Harry Reid’s new ad is hardball with a thud. Here’s Reid’s story in a nutshell: He says Thom Tillis shared an apartment with his Chief of Staff, who had an affair with a married lobbyist, and then resigned. And Tillis said he knew nothing. Then, a week later, another Tillis staffer resigned after having had an affair with a lobbyist. And Tillis gave both aides severance pay.


What could Tillis say? He couldn’t contest the facts. They’d been reported in the newspapers. And he couldn’t debate the policy. How could he defend giving severance pay to aides he, himself, said acted improperly.


He might have said, I made a mistake. But didn’t.


Instead he announced to the press, “Harry Reid hit the panic button.” And blasted Reid for meddling in the Republican Primary.


That’s called the old bait and switch. But it won’t cut the mustard.


This time, Harry Reid’s tackled Thom Tillis’ judgment head-on. And, unless Tillis comes up with an answer, that’s a game changer.

April 18, 2014 at 1:15 pm
Norm Kellly says:

Is the problem that Tillis is a conservtive, someone with an R after their name? Must be. Because this is normal behavior for libs. Actually, for libs it goes beyond normal. It might be different because it's only a staffer having an extra-marital affair. I know that when a lib politician has an affair, it's actually a selling-point for people to vote for that lib. Take John Edwards as an example. He had an affair while his wife was suffering from cancer that eventually killed her. Was it the affair that killed his campaign? Nope.

Take Bill Clinton for instance. Did his multiple affairs negatively affect his position. Nope. Helped him. Did his lie under oath, preventing a woman from having her day in court, negatively affect him? Nope. Not even the nazis in the NOW organization stood against, said anything against Bill. For way too many lib voters, this part of Bill's life simply made him more appealing. The list of lib politicians who have DIRECTLY had affairs and their careers enhanced is too long to remember or write about here.

So the difference seems to be that libs can do just about anything, including drowning the woman you may be having an affair with, and it will be ignored, at the least. When you are a conservative or Republican, you are not allowed to even KNOW someone who MIGHT have broken the law or MIGHT have had an affair. For some reason that conservative IS TO BE HELD responsible for the behavior of the people around him, but not so for libs. The current White House occupier started his campaign in the house of a known, non-repentant domestic terrorist and it didn't hurt his campaign one bit. It was actually worse than that because his lib friends in the media buried the story; refused to report on it. And then disparaged any media outlet that even hinted it might be true.

So, libs have no moral expectations. Conservatives are held to the highest standards that only Jesus is capable of reaching, but the media will damn sure hold conservative politicians to these standards. With the hope that enough voters will not notice the double standard; and odd-ball standard at that.

Libs. Gotta love them. I'm still wondering why, but that's what I'm told.