Published September 1, 2016
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, August 31, 2016.
Sean is Irish and Catholic and decades ago his great-grandfather was an immigrant; after he (Sean) graduated from Fordham and married and worked a stint in White Plains, New York, he moved to Raleigh where he now lives and earns $175,000 a year.
Sean doesn’t have one ideological bone in his body and partisan politics has only touched him once – as a word he checked on a form the day he registered to vote in Raleigh. He thought briefly of registering Republican but the culture of southern Republican politics seemed peculiar to him so he registered Independent.
He sees government as a boondoggle and the taxes he pays take money out of his pocket but, still, he’s amenable to paying the taxes when they support the schools his three children attend.
Last election he voted for Mitt Romney but this election he’s Undecided – he loathes Hillary; he saw politicians like her in New York. He’s never seen a politician like Trump but he’s seen plenty of wheeler-dealers playing every angle for a dollar so he loathes Trump too and trapped between those two loathings he’s not just Undecided he’s rock hard frozen in place Undecided and he’s got Republican strategists scratching their heads and wondering, What’s he going to do?
Is he going to stay home on Election Day? If he does that spells doom not just for Trump but for Republicans down ballot who need his vote.
Will he vote for a third party candidate like Gary Johnson? Or decide to vote but skip the Presidential election?
Both choices spell disaster for Trump but Sean’s votes for the Republicans further down the ballot could save them.
Could Trump find the magic to ease Sean’s loathing enough to win his vote? Can Hillary? Neither seems likely – but stranger things have happened.
Sean’s an archetype – there’re thousands of Seans trapped and frozen.
It’s the biggest mystery in politics: How will Sean the Independent with no ideology and no partisanship who voted for Romney, vote on Election Day?
September 1, 2016 at 7:03 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Thanks to courts striking down voter ID requirements, even if Sean chooses not to vote, there's a possibility Sean's vote will be cast. Without Sean in the process, of course.
And let's remember, when the liberal judges decided OUR voter laws were discriminatory, they had to do 2 outrageous things. First, ignore that even after the changes, our laws were still more liberal & open & available than many other states, including states ruled by their fellow demons.
Second, these judges had to claim that NC blacks are inferior to anywhere else in the nation. Why is it that libs & blacks, especially 'leaders', are celebrating the justification for this outrageous decision? Why is it that this decision was made the way it was, when compared to lib states, we are still more open to all voters, including black voters? Why is it that liberal bias isn't being called out on this decision? Why is it that liberals aren't crawling over themselves to get to mic's to whine about judicial discrimination and denigration of their biggest supporters? Why is it these liberal judges get away with making such racially insensitive statements about blacks, with not just no repercussion, but with whole-hearted support? Why is it that libs can say or do ANYTHING to/with blacks, and they get a pass but ANY conservative that says/does anything is automatically labeled a racist? Even when that conservative WASN'T being racist, couldn't be misconstrued as being racist even by the most hateful racist democrat, that conservative is roasted by all libs, including media allies of the demon party.
Talk about a double standard.
And Sean has no way of knowing that his vote was cast without his knowledge. Thanks to racist libs!