Fracking, drilling and spilling

Published March 21, 2014

By Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, March 20, 2014.

A federal criminal investigation. A massive, destructive spill. Deliberate pumping of bad stuff into water that people drink.


Is this a description of the current Duke Energy debacle? Or a preview of hydraulic fracking for natural gas in North Carolina?


The Duke mess is a huge – and perhaps fatal – problem for fracking in this state. How can the governor, legislature and regulators can ever assure a skeptical public that fracking will be safe? What rules can they develop to ensure that companies from around the world with sharp drills don’t sacrifice our drinking water in exchange for quick profits?


After all, Duke is a mature, North Carolina-based company that used an accepted storage system for coal ash, one that was governed by plenty of rules and regulations. But one stretch of river will never be the same, Duke’s reputation and bank account will be drained before it’s all over, and political careers will suffer collateral damage.


We’ve seen the future, and it looks totally fracked up.


March 21, 2014 at 10:48 am
Tom Hauck says:

Sorry, but I do not see the connection. Are you trying to say that all businesses pollute? Are you trying to say that because the State Government did not supervise Duke Energy as they should have that the State Government cannot supervise any energy activity and thus all energy activities should stop?

Are you trying to tie inexpensive energy to inevitable pollution?

Look forward to a clearer message.

March 21, 2014 at 11:51 am
TP Wohlford says:

Dude isn't real sharp with this one.

What is the cheapest, CLEANEST replacement for coal? Natural Gas. How do we have ample natural gas for the next few centuries? FRACKING.

So dude, do you want coal, or nat gas, or.... living like the Amish? Personally, if you wish to do that, go ahead, be my guest. Try posting this blog w/o that dirty energy you despise -- or content yourself with the downside of your lifestle.

March 22, 2014 at 9:58 am
Rip Arrowood says:

"What is the cheapest, CLEANEST replacement for coal?"

That's like asking what is the best MOST EFFECTIVE replacement for lethal injection.