Foreign policy?

Published August 16, 2014

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, August 15, 2014.

Thirteen years ago the terrorists blew up the World Trade Center and, since the terrorists lived in Afghanistan, we attacked Afghanistan.


The terrorists then moved to Pakistan but we kept right on attacking Afghanistan.


A decade later we killed the lead terrorist in Pakistan but we’re still fighting in Afghanistan.


In 2003 the ‘wise men’ said in order to whip the terrorists we needed to invade Iraq too, so we did and nineteen days later we’d whipped the Iraqi Army and taken Baghdad.


But no one (with the exception of General Colin Powell) told us our army might not be big enough to occupy a nation of 30 million people.


And no one certainly ever mentioned the dreaded word ‘draft.’


Eight years later we were still in Iraq and 96% of our causalities had happened after we whipped the Iraqi army.


It was the time for the inevitable skedaddle and, in 2011 , we got out of Iraq.


We also decided to give $200 million in guns to our friends the Kurds but the Maliki regime told us that wouldn’t do; they said we should give the guns to Iraq’s ‘official government’ which in turn would give them to the Kurds.


We did.


But the Maliki regime didn’t like the Kurds and didn’t give them the guns.


Then ISIS got up a head of steam, conquered western Iraq and captured an arms depot full of American guns. ISIS then took the guns and attacked the Kurds who had hardly any guns at all.


President Obama announced Maliki had gotten himself into this mess and he could get himself out.


Then the President sent 1,000 soldiers to Iraq.


Then he announced he was going to bomb ISIS.


So, now, we’re bombing ISIS to destroy the guns we gave the Iraqis.


Next the President announced he was not going to fight another war in Iraq and the House added we wouldn’t be in Iraq long.


Then, the next day, the President said we may be bombing Iraq for months.


So we’re bombing ISIS. But it’s not a war. We said we wouldn’t send soldiers. Then we did. We told Maliki he was on his own. Now we’re bailing him out. And we’ve armed the people we’re fighting against.


How much more muddled can this picture get?

August 17, 2014 at 12:11 pm
Johnny Hiott says:

For the sake of argument. Seventeen of those terrorist were from Saudi Arabia, only two were of Afghanistan. We did not then attack Afghanistan we attacked Iraq. If not for public transportation three fourths of the politicians in wash. dc would not be able to find their way back to make more idiotic decisions that constantly place our nation in peril.