FCC should let markets work

Published April 7, 2014

By John Hood

by John Hood, John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, April 7, 2014.

In February, Federal Communications Chairman Tom Wheeler declared that the North Carolina General Assembly had no authority to determine telecommunications policy in North Carolina.

Well, okay, Wheeler didn’t single North Carolina out for particular scorn. But he didsay that in the coming months, the FCC might decide to challenge state laws, like the one the North Carolina legislature enacted in 2011, that govern the ability of cities and counties to create their own broadband networks to compete with cable, telephone, and satellite providers.

Just to be clear, the North Carolina statute doesn’t forbid localities from operating telecom services or even participating in new ventures. But it does impose a set of rules designed to prevent localities from misusing their fiscal, regulatory, or condemnation authority to favor their own telecom services over those of private competitors.

You’ll get no argument from me about the potential economic and social benefits from enhancing telecom access and competition — and from bringing new super-high-speed broadband service to North Carolina communities. A 2007 study by theBrookings Institution, for example, found that broadband access was one of two statewide variables that exhibited a consistent, statistically significant relationship to private job creation. (The other variable, by the way, was a state’s ranking on the Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index. That’s good news for North Carolina, which is about to see a huge improvement in its tax climate because of the tax-reform bill passed in 2013.)

The next generation of broadband — operating at the gigabit-per-second range and above — may truly be revolutionary for many industries and attractive to many consumers. But past experience and common sense argue against governments leaping into areas best left for competitive markets and private enterprises to sort out. Chicago, Seattle, Burlington, and Provo are just some of the communities that should have looked more carefully before investing in or building networks that ending up costing more or delivering less than promised.

Consider the contrasting business plans of two private entrants into the super-high-speed market: Google and RST Fiber. In the case of the splashy but slow-motion Google Fiber rollout of residential service in Kansas City, entire neighborhoods are opting in or out of the service, which will use existing utility infrastructure to complete the connection to each home. On the other hand, Shelby-based RST is using a 3,100-mile network of fiber-optic cable to carry the signal to within a mile or so of potential residential and business customers in the Asheville, Charlotte, and Raleigh areas. The final connection, however, will be by wireless transmission.

The advantage of the Google Fiber concept is that, at least in theory, wired is faster than wireless. But RST’s wireless option for the last mile is much less costly to accomplish and administer, and in reality many Google Fiber customers will be using wireless devices, anyway (the company actually doesn’t promise the gigabit-per-second speed for those household users).

The goal here ought to be to facilitate innovation and competition without favoring one model over another, or biasing the market against the existing providers that have already invested significant sums in their own wired and wireless networks. What North Carolina localities should do is remove any unnecessary barriers to competition, allow access to public rights-of-way on equal terms, treat all competitors the same when it comes to taxes and regulations, and otherwise butt out.

That is essentially the policy stance that the General Assembly adopted in 2011. It was the right call then, and remains the right call now.

As for the prospect of FCC intervention, the U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled in a 2004 case that existing federal law does not preempt state laws on municipal broadband. Washington does have a legitimate, constitutional role to play when states attempt to obstruct interstate commerce. In this case, however, a state is really keeping the localities it creates and governs from interfering with the market process.

If the FCC wants to do something constructive about telecom innovation and competition, it should focus on freeing up spectrum for new entrants and investment. That’s its job. Pretending to be the North Carolina legislature is not.


April 7, 2014 at 9:14 am
Richard Bunce says:

We need to preventState and local governments from creating any more government regulated, or in this case operated, utility monopolies.

April 7, 2014 at 12:38 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Once again, the central planners want to interfere with daily life at the local level.

Interstate commerce is where central planner interference should stop. That is what the law says. Which is probably why the central planners want to get involved in state issues.

Unless the state plan is to implement wireless technology, this doesn't sound like the FCC should be involved anyway. Local wired telecom isn't regulated by the FCC. Wireless technology is only regulated by the FCC when it's using LICENSED spectrum. When the local provider, government agency or private sector, uses UNLICENSED spectrum, then it means the FCC is NOT involved.

But, that's facts. Facts don't matter to central planner types.

The central planners are exceeding their limitations on so many fronts that it's impossible to keep up with. How do I go about contacting my representative or senator about all of these over-reaches? How long would my email to them have to be to cover all the areas that they are interfering with? Would it be appropriate to contact my representatives with a blanket statement that their over-reach MUST be curtailed? How effective would that be?

My representatives are in control of the budgets of every government organization that is in the process of over-reaching. Have they cut the budgets on any of these organizations to make a statement, to make it painful for them, to make it impossible for them to have budget or staff to continue their outrageous interference in markets? I expect government agencies to want to over-reach. Most of them are staffed by life-long employees who have a need to justify their existence. So they have a built-in desire to do more, have a larger budget, make more of an impact on their designated areas. But it's my representatives' role to keep these people in line. By monetary means if necessary. By eliminating departments if necessary. But the buck stops at Capital Hill, not the agency, not the White House. More importantly the buck stops with us voters. Will we revolt against our out-of-control leaders before it's too late? I hope so. I know I'm trying to do my part. Are you? Or are you a lemming? Do you have your hand out? Do you favor saying 'there oughta be a law'? If your hand is out to the central planners, or you make that statement then you are part of the problem, not the solution.

April 8, 2014 at 2:03 pm
Richard Bunce says:

Doesn't the FCC operate on the assumption that all spectrum is to be licensed as well as the content transmitted within that spectrum? The days of simply keeping commercial ventures like radio stations from bigfooting each others signal is long gone.