Ellmers: Obamacare wages war on women
Published December 8, 2013
by Sandy Fitzgerald, Newsmax, December 8, 2013.
Obamacare is an example of the "war on women," North Carolina Rep. Renee Ellmers said in Saturday's weekly GOP address, as the Obama administration is using its healthcare plan to say what's best for families.
"It's often women who make the healthcare decisions for our families," said Ellmers, who represents North Carolina's Second Congressional District. "We put a lot of time and thought into these choices and how they'll affect our budgets."
Ellmers, calling on the president to get rid of the law or at least delay it, said people will be spending the holiday season "wondering 'what's next,'" and that Obamacare relies too much on big business and insurance companies and not enough on the needs of the people.
Ellmers, who chairs the Republican Women's Policy Committee, said that as a nurse and the mother of a college-age son, she's "frustrated with the president's healthcare law, especially where jobs and working families are concerned."
Canceling insurance policies, despite President Barack Obama's promises to allow Americans to keep their plans, means the Obama administration is essentially saying it knows what's best for you and your family," said Ellmers.
"Not only that, they are making you pay more – usually much more – and in many cases, taking away the doctors you've been seeing for years."
She gave examples of residents from her state whose premiums are getting ready to jump; in one family's case, the premiums went from $248 to $968 per month.
"Seeing so many hardworking people have to spend the holiday season wondering ‘what’s next?’ – it’s heartbreaking," said Ellmers. "And it's so wrong."
She said America's families would not be having problems if the people who wrote Obamacare had listened to the taxpayers instead of insurance companies and big business.
"Even now, these same entities are the ones getting special delays, breaks, and workarounds from the White House," said Ellmers. "Families who work hard and play by the rules deserve some basic choices, fairness and relief."
The House passed the legislation to delay the individual mandate for all Americans, noted Ellmers, and said the proposals are being stalled by the Senate.
Meanwhile, she said Republicans will keep pressuring Obama on his signature healthcare law.
"If the president won't scrap this law, isn't it time for him to delay it for all Americans before it does further harm?" Ellmers said.
December 8, 2013 at 9:00 am
Hampton Brady says:
My response is that "Ellmers and others of her persuasion have been delaying hospital health care for all Americans since the days of Theodore Roosevelt (100-years). My short answer to Ellmers is no! Instead of Ellmers being a negative and bitching nabob, she ought to put back on her nurse's cap and go back to the hospital and help her husband make $millions in the operating room. Then, on the other hand, I'm told she was not even a good nurse when she practiced nursing. How can we expect much from her as a NC representative?
December 8, 2013 at 2:09 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Ellmers is right.
For years, liberals have been telling lies about a Republican war on women. When the same tactic is used against liberals, it appears they don't like it. Except there is one difference between times when Demoncrats use the 'war on women' phrase and when Republicans are using the 'war on women' phrase. When liberals say it, they are simply ignoring the facts, they are telling lies to their constituents, and the media simply carries it and repeats it without question. In most cases, the media talking heads, and the editorial boards in newspapers like the N&D, attempt to justify the lie. When Republicans use the 'war on women' phrase, it's usually justified, quantifiable, provable, factual. Yet the media prints it with huge question marks throughout their coverage. They report the use of the phrase with almost total disbelief in what they are hearing.
Regardless of how you look at Obamacare/socialized medicine part 1, it's a disaster. Either already a disaster or a disaster in the making. But a disaster. The White House, Washington DemocRATs, media talking heads, all proclaim how much good Obamacare is doing. They trot out the few families who have now been 'approved' for government coverage. Most of those qualify for some sort of government subsidy, but that is to be ignored. Many of the others that these people tout are enrolled in Medicare/Medicaid (you keep em straight cuz i certainly can't). So if most of the people who are taking advantage of government insurance are getting it either free or subsidized, who exactly is paying the bill?
Worse than the fact that this will cost us so much more than originally fabricated, there are millions more who are being negatively affected by socialized medicine part 1. For every Obamacare-ite out there, there are hundreds or thousands of people being hurt by this government take-over of a private market.
So Ellmers is right. Women are being negatively affected by this stupid law. Whether it's because their premiums are going up and destroying budgets, it's the fact that they will no longer have access to the doctor of their choice, it's because their coverage requires options they neither want nor need but must pay for, or the fact that their insurance purchase is now forcing them to subsidize someone who doesn't live in their household, women are negatively affected by Obamacare. But it goes further than that. This stupid law also aids the Demoncrats in their war on children. Not only have DemocRATs supported breaking up families, encouraging fathers to be absent, but now that families need to pay so much more for their government supplied health insurance, it's taking money away from the family that they otherwise could spend on real family needs. Then we need to consider how this stupid law is going to force the national debt to skyrocket. How are our kids & grandkids going to pay for this? How are our kids & grandkids going to afford the tax rate required because of deficit spending, fueled by stupid ideas such as socialized medicine?
I have grave concerns for my grandkids. I love them deeply. But they will not be able to survive, have as free a life as I have had. My grandkids are going to be slaves to the elites in Washington, paying more for politician's follies than they will be able to pay for basic housing and transportation. Is this fair to my grandkids? Of course not, unless you are a liberal who has no ability to think or feel. I take comfort in knowing that I can tell my grandkids I was opposed to this path. Damn little comfort since it appears to do no good. But comfort nonetheless.
The only solution is for more people to fight socialism every day, every where, at every level of government. Power to the TEA people and Constitutionalists!
(and for all you liberals who are ready to go CNN on me cuz i referred to slavery to Washington, don't bother. it didn't work for cnn because it was a stupid liberal argument. and it won't work for you either for the same reasons. slavery comes in different flavors. whether it's slavery to an individual master or slavery to the political masters, it's still slavery. get past your bias against the word and start to think for a change!)