Election changes little

Published November 7, 2014

By Patrick Gannon, Capitol Press Association, published in Greenville Daily Reflector, November 6, 2014.

A good way to describe the final result of state House and Senate races across North Carolina this week is “anticlimactic.”

“Boring” might be another way to look at the big picture, although some interesting and hard-fought General Assembly races broke up the monotony in certain parts of the state.

Unofficial election results indicate that Republicans gained one net seat in the Senate for a 34-16 margin over Democrats for the next two years. Democrats netted three seats in the House, and the GOP will hold a 74-46 majority there for the 2015-16 legislative session, which begins in January.

That means Republicans maintained veto-proof majorities in both chambers, and 2015-16 might look a lot like 2013-14 when it comes to legislative activity. Rep. Edgar Starnes of Caldwell County, the House majority leader, said Tuesday night as results rolled in that he expects General Assembly Republicans would continue to focus on smaller government, lower taxes and fewer regulations for two more years. “We’ll do education reform, but I hope we’ll be able to make some reforms in a way that’s not quite as controversial as it has been in the past,” he added.

Of course, despite little change in the General Assembly makeup, both parties and their supporters trumpeted the election as a success for their side. Senate leader Phil Berger, an Eden Republican, said voters gave his chamber a mandate to continue in the same direction as the past four years. “It indicates that the public is pleased with the policies we’ve implemented,” he said.

On the other side, Gerrick Brenner of the liberal advocacy group Progress North Carolina Action said the election showed that the GOP-led Legislature is “deeply unpopular with voters” because four House incumbents lost re-election bids in a year that the GOP gained legislative seats in other states.

Gov. Pat McCrory was more on target when he told WRAL-TV in Raleigh that the biggest mistake Republicans could make would be to govern as though they received a “major mandate.” “North Carolina is still very divided,” he said. “There’s divisions among race and gender and geographic areas in North Carolina and urban and rural. We’ve got to recognize where there’s differences and try to have conversations with each other.” (Does McCrory want to be seen as more moderate? That’s for another day.)

The close race for U.S. Senate between Democrat Kay Hagan and Republican Thom Tillis backs McCrory’s argument.

Tuesday brought few surprises in the General Assembly, an indication in part that the system is geared toward incumbents whose campaigns have more money in most cases than their challengers and who represent districts — because of gerrymandering — where voters align with their political beliefs.

Among state Senate races, the only real surprise was in Wake County, where Republican businessman John Alexander defeated Democrat Tom Bradshaw, a former Raleigh mayor and state transportation secretary. (Note: Bradshaw may still request a recount in the close race). The seat had been held by Sen. Neal Hunt, a Republican who chose not to run again. It was a surprise somewhat in that Democrats swept the county commission races in Wake County, but that didn’t appear to translate to the legislative races.

In the House, two up-and-coming stars in the Republican Party — Reps. Tim Moffitt of Buncombe County and Tom Murry of Wake — lost re-election bids. Both held powerful committee positions, and Moffitt was once considered a candidate for House speaker. Those losses probably sting General Assembly Republicans the most.

In all, there will be 15 new faces in the 120-member House and six in the 50-member Senate when lawmakers return to Raleigh in January for the long session. As opposed to ousting incumbents, most of the newcomers won in seats left vacant by lawmakers who retired or sought higher offices.

In other words, not much turnover and not much change in the political landscape on Jones Street, which can be good or bad, depending on your viewpoint.


November 7, 2014 at 9:24 am
Richard Bunce says:

Since the Democrats wanted big change, that there was no change is a big change... it confirms that new voting regulations do not suppress the vote and that the government education industrial complex cannot turn out their vote.

November 7, 2014 at 3:07 pm
Vicky Hutter says:

What have you been smoking or drinking? Certainly sounds again like "sweet lemons" rationalizations which the current president and left-leaning mainstream media have been spewing this week. If Democrats do not change course, do not begin listening to the majority of U.S. citizens, voters and taxpayers then they are in for continued defeats in elections. We have been subjected to repeated radical policies being implemented in the country regardless of the will of the people. The country is not "progressive" if the definition conveys a radical shift in the values, mores, aspirations, beliefs and desires of the American people. Democrats, pundits and media people will continue to completely miss the boat as to what the voters are saying loud and clear as long as their egos mandates rationalizing the losses of the last two bye-elections as not being representative of the will of the majority of people in the country. Voters, taxpayers and citizens will continue to vote out of office politicians who do not work toward the good of the country until we have a government "of the people, by the people and for the people." The Democrats are in danger of losing relevance in our State and country if they continue forcing radical policies down the peoples' throats---and requiring us to pay for them at that.

November 9, 2014 at 10:31 am
Robert White says:

I'd suggest the author of this piece, at best, is sulking & writing this is his way of coping. Face the facts. Democrats threw everything & the kitchen sink at Republicans. With some catchy slogans to boot like the 'War on Women' & other such fictional diatribes. Of course the author has no opinions to offer on the complete failure of those tag lines eh? I suppose that's to be expected. It's easier to deny the reality right in front of your face than to examine what went wrong & do some soul searching.

Alas I encourage Democrats & their liberal allies in the media to keep thinking everything's ok & your right. Keep thinking it's just angry white men lashing out & this too shall pass. The mention of Tim Moffitts loss being such a blow? That's the best you got? News flash, he represented Ashville which I live next door too. I'm amazed he ever got elected to begin with.

But I have a solution to the gridlock problem Democrats & media pundits are so concerned about. Of course they are only concerned because they are out of power but hey, details right? Republicans should effectively ignore & openly neglect areas & constituents of the Democrats. If you are ardent supporters & live in heavily democrat areas you get no seat at the table & your issues are irrelevant. No more trying to reach out & appease. Democrats used these very tactics for 140 years of control in NC & the 40 years they controlled the US Congress. And they did it with a cohesive message we can call a 'War on Everybody & Everything' even if it is among their most loyal supporters. Blacks, women, hispanics, business large & small, private property, gun rights, free speech, rich & poor people, etc etc etc. The Democrats have at one time or another declared open warfare on just about everything to keep their legacy of slavery, both modern & historical, alive & well.

Time to let them live with that legacy.