Don't let television cloud what candidates are saying and doing
Published February 21, 2014
Editorial by Rocky Mount Telegram, February 21, 2014.
North Carolina voters face plenty of important decisions at the polls this year, from county commissioners and sheriffs, to state legislators and members of Congress, to the choice at the very top of the ballot – U.S. Senate.
All of those elections are critical to the future of North Carolina. Candidates in every race will be asked to discuss their thoughts and positions on issues that reflect our values and the way we want to live.
The background of each candidate and his or her responses to issues and questions should be the most important factors in consideration as voters begin casting their ballots.
Yet, even as we sit around the kitchen table and compare the qualities of Candidates A, B and C, many of the issues that will drive the debate in the biggest race in the state this year will be flown in from somewhere else.
Already, outside interests have poured millions of dollars into yet another mud fest of television campaign ads.
Americans for Prosperity began airing commercials in 2013 that attacked U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan, a Democrat.
Patriot Majority USA has begun airing ads that attack N.C. House Speaker Thom Tillis, a Republican.
Tillis has yet to win the GOP nomination to face Hagan in November. But that hasn’t stopped Patriot Majority from going after the guy it presumes will be the nominee.
The outsiders have put a high value on the Senate race here – not because they have any understanding or connection with the values or issues that are so important to the people of this state. They simply regard the seat as an important number in the race to see which party controls the U.S. Senate in Washington.
North Carolinians have good reason to pay attention to the issues championed and discussed by candidates seeking the Senate seat – no matter who they might be. But it’s just as critical to shape the decisions we make this year based on what’s important to us.
The barrels of cash sent in by outside interest groups have a way of clouding that picture.
All the more reason to ignore the television ads and pay attention to what the real candidates are saying and doing.
February 21, 2014 at 11:02 am
Norm Kelly says:
Point taken. It really is early in the process. And we actually do need to pay attention to what the candidates say and are either doing or have done. But it's also important to pay attention to the real candidates. At this point there is only 1 real candidate. K. We need to decide for ourselves if K says and acts in the best interests of NC. K has a record in the Senate that we can actually look at to see if she represents the citizens of NC or if she represents the best interests of Washington and/or the Democrat Party.
So far, K agrees with Obama. So far K stands with the Demoncrat Party. So far K stands for what's best for Washington. K doesn't just support Obamacancer. K doesn't just support taking decisions about health care or insurance coverage AWAY from citizens of NC. K is on record as saying that Obamacancer didn't go far enough and she supports 'single payer' health care.
The first step in full implementation of socialism in world history has been the take over of health care by the central planners. The second step has been take over of the media by the central planners. So far, Obamacancer is starting to take over health care. Just this week it was revealed that this administration is now looking to place 'observers' from the FCC in media businesses. Newspapers/print media is protected by the US Constitution. But like everything else in the Constitution, this administration chooses to ignore. Does K support the FCC being involved in news & entertainment so directly? If so, this is just another show that she is truly a socialist. If K does not support the central planners interfering with media outlets, then show me where she has objected or put forth legislation to make sure it does NOT happen. If she supports the best interests of NC citizens, then she has already taken a stand against central planners becoming directly involved with media/information/news delivery.
What is K's position on voter ID? Does she support having to prove who we are when we vote, just like we have to prove who we are to pick up a prescription, just like we have to prove who we are before getting into the Democrat convention, just like moral-less monday protest attendees needed to show id to participate? Or is K like every other Demon and has a double standard on the need for proper identification? David Price has a double standard on photo id requirements, so he shows he is more in line with the Demon party than he is with the citizens of NC. David expressed his opinion on voter ID requirements quite loudly and publicly. When the same group required that we show picture ID to pick up a prescription, signed by Demon Gov Bev, did David have any response? No. Which is more important to the future of our REPUBLIC? Picking up my prescription, which is a VERY personal matter, or casting my vote for MY preferred candidate, which is a VERY public matter?
Where does K stand on expanding/increasing the national debt? Does she support NC taxpayers in trying to reduce the burden on our children & grandchildren? Or does K support continuing to spend without restriction? Does K support trying to get subsistence payments under control or does she, like Barack, support continuing to expand eligibility and increasing amounts? When the last debt ceiling increase was passed WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS OR CONTROLS, how did K vote on it? What was her response to continuing uncontrolled? Has she said anything publicly to demonstrate that she thinks this is the wrong direction for our country and for the citizens of NC? If so, where have her comments appeared? In which newspaper (in NC of course!)? Which TV station news aired her comments? None? Surprise there!
So, you see, the only candidate we have so far has a record we can judge on. The open question is which Republican is going to challenge her. Will that Republican be a strong enough candidate to point out all of the areas where K is wrong? The candidate for the Republican party for the open NC Senate seat will need to be outrageously strong in order to overcome the ads by the unions (distorted ads!), misleading coverage by the media, and the outright hatred that will be demonstrated by the N&D in Raleigh. The N&D will make the most outrageous statements in order to support K. Both positive things about K that won't be accurate as well as negative things about the Republican candidate that will be stretching the imagination in most cases and outright provable lies in some cases. But their support for K will be unwavering. (this is a prediction based on prior history of the n&d. i'd love to be wrong on this. this could drive me to be virtually speechless. wouldn't that be a good thing! i won't hold my breath waiting for the n&d to say anything kind or positive about whoever the republican candidate is. also won't hold my breath waiting for them to not vehemently support K and print the most glowing 'stories' about her.)
February 21, 2014 at 1:58 pm
Bill Morris says:
We should ignore TV ads and pay attention to what a politician says and does. I assume you mean, what a politician says and does, as it is reported in the newspaper. See, there is the rub. If newspapers made a half a**ed effort to report an accurate picture of a politicians stance on an issue, it would be much easier to ignore obnoxious ads. However, those ads, half truths they may be, are still, many times, a half truth closer than the distortions printed in the paper.
February 21, 2014 at 6:44 pm
Vicky Hutter says:
Thoughtful analyses of the issues involved, Norm; I agree with you.