Don't dismiss a promising schools idea

Published January 27, 2016

Editorial by The Charlotte Observer, January 25, 2016.

January 27, 2016 at 6:55 pm
Norm Kelly says:

'N.C. Republicans have chronically underfunded public schools'. Really? How much has the state primary schools' budget been cut since Republicans were given control (by voters!)? Is there ANY proof that Republicans have cut education spending, primary grades, since being voted into the majority? Facts show that the last time state education budget's were cut, actually cut, was when the Demon Party ruled in Raleigh. Gov Bev was in office as I recall. And the legislature was ruled by Demons as well. So, since demons were replaced with Republicans, how much has state primary grade education budget been slashed? Have the cuts implemented by Republicans since being given control been more harsh than cuts implemented by demons?

Instead of simply making blanket statements like this, how about doing a story that includes facts & figures. It may be more appropriate for this extra info to be posted in a web-only version of the story, with a link to the story included in the print version, if the print version doesn't allow for this much data. Last week there was an editorial about not enough reporters in the field. But the challenge really is reporters failing to provide full/accurate information.

Is this another case of media bias? I know nothing of the author of this editorial, but is this personal bias rearing it's ugly head by simply stating, as if it's fact and everyone already knows it, that Republicans actually are underfunding public schools?

'regardless of who comes up with them'. Unless, of course, the proponent happens to be a Republican. Even when Bush implemented a program created, designed by Kennedy, Bush was roasted by demons! Demons blamed Bush for trying to force federal control onto local schools. Demons blamed Bush for everything, I know, and the current occupier continues to do it even into his final year. (it can't end quick enough!) But even though the plan was created/crafted by a major socialist demon, media-allies, demons, public school officials, all demonized the plan. So, exactly which government monopoly school official shows ANY sort of flexibility or open-mindedness when it comes to WHO comes up with an idea? Liberals and specifically liberal pols have shown themselves to be the most bigoted, closed-minded, hateful people in the nation. It would be nice if some of them started ignoring where the idea came from and showed some flexibility in making improvements. Even if Teddie came up with a useful idea, something new & creative, open-minded Republicans should show flexibility in accepting it. But which demon does this? Demons fight tooth-and-nail to prevent anything new, different, or alternative in children's education.

Pointing the finger at someone usually ends up with three others pointing back at yourself. As is the case when it comes to demons blaming Republicans for problems in education.