Donald Trump illness
Published September 1, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, September 1, 2016.
Rudy Giuliani said we should Google “Hillary Clinton Illness” and see what comes up. Well, let’s Google “Donald Trump Illness” and see what comes up.
Aha! Terms like “psychopath,” “Narcissistic Personality Disorder (an exaggerated sense of self-importance)” and – thanks to a TAPster – “sociopathic projection…in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others….(such as) accusing you of cheating, accusing you of being dishonest or lying….”
The Internet says Trump is nuts. So it must be true.
But Trump and Crazy Rudy are talking about Hillary Clinton’s physical health, strength and stamina. (After all, they know a woman can’t do the job of President.)
So let’s examine Trump’s physical health.
Here’s what we know. He’s clearly overweight, and he looks like he’s gaining weight. (Or his hands are getting smaller.) He brags that he eats mainly fast food, especially Big Macs and fries. He gets no exercise. He sleeps only three or four hours a night. And his only activity on the campaign trail is flying to a city, riding to the event, giving a speech, waving, shaking a few hands, then back to the car, back to the plane and home to Trump Tower. Maybe with a stop to pick up a couple of Big Macs.
Now, I’m almost as old as Trump. I can tell you this is no way for an old man to live. Yes, Bill Clinton loved Big Macs, too, but at least he jogged to McDonald’s. And now he’s a vegan.
We do have on record what MSNBC described as the “unintentionally hilarious, four-paragraph letter” from Trump’s doctor describing his health as “extraordinary” and his labs as “astonishingly excellent.” (No details provided.)
The letter added, “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
After some questioning, the good doctor retreated somewhat from that suspiciously Trump-like language. He admitted he wrote the letter in just five minutes while a limo waited downstairs to pick it up and that “some of those words didn’t come out exactly the way they were meant.”
Trump is 70, and Hillary Clinton is 68. Anybody who knows anything about men and women at this stage of life knows who is more likely to be watching their diet, exercising and seeing a real doctor. And who is likely to live the longest and stay the healthiest.
Trump says that if Hillary wins, the Second Amendment people might take care of things.
If he wins, the Big Macs might take care of things.
September 1, 2016 at 7:12 pm
Norm Kelly says:
This post HAD to come from a die-hard, socialist, demon supporter! There's no other reason that explains outrageous statements like this one:
So, the only ones who can get away with making stoopid statements like this are libs. They always get a pass when they make a racial joke/slur, denigrate women, or in any other way make an insensitive comment.
So, let's make sure these words are put in Gary's mouth and NOT Donald's or any other Republican! Gary OWNS this sexually insensitive, derogatory phrase! He DID NOT get this from Trump or ANYONE in the Trump camp!
Just because ANYONE questions the health of HilLIARy, as well as EVERYTHING else about the person that disqualifies her from the highest office, doesn't mean they believe ANY woman can't do the job. They question the ability of THIS PERSON to do the job! As ANY thinking person does. She is even more unqualified than the current community organizer socialist liar law breaker who occupies the White House.
So, Gary, care to take this insensitive statement back? Care to take credit for this outrageous statement, and categorically state that it was NOT extracted from ANYTHING or ANYONE within the Trump campaign? Make sure your statement solidly proves that this sexual discriminatory statement was yours & yours alone. Time to come out of the closet as a woman-hater!
When Donald says something stoopid, we'll take credit for it. But when HilLIARy says & does stoopid stuff, or proves her law breaking, or various other outrageous things, do you take credit for that? Nope. Just like every other lib-lover out there, you close your eyes and claim NOTHING was done wrong. These aren't the droids you are looking for! Time to open your eyes.
Those with open eyes have left the demon party!
What's to love or admire about today's demons? Thank God my kids grew up thinkers, and conservatives. (sorry for the redundancy!)
BTW: rest of this ridiculous post not worth wasting time on. like most things lib!