Donald Strom Jesse Wallace Trump
Published February 23, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, February 22, 2016.
Do they like him because he’ll “make America great again” – or make America white again?
Granted, some South Carolinians may have voted for Trump because they want a strong leader.
But you know more than a few voted for him because – like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and George Wallace before him – he knows how to use the code words and dog whistles for race.
Why else would he win evangelicals, despite his sybaritic lifestyle, and ideological conservatives, despite his political promiscuity?
Trump started years ago, claiming Obama was born in Kenya. Then he attacked the Mexicans. Then the Muslims.
Of course, his supporters rarely admit that’s why they like him. Instead, they say “he’s not politically correct” or “he’s not afraid to say what he thinks.”
It’s just like when Thurmond, Helms and Wallace stopped using the N-word and started talking about states’ rights and a too-powerful federal government.
Wink, wink. Nod, nod.
Now the Republican Party Establishment is in a panic over Trump.
Contemplate the irony here. For decades, the GOP Establishment has been happy to play ball with the Stroms, the Jesses and all their ilk.
Now the chickens have come home to roost. Big time.
February 23, 2016 at 11:06 am
Norm Kelly says:
Here we go again! A lib whining about Republicans! Default position for libs! A lib bringing up the race card. AGAIN! Do libs have ANY OTHER argument in their tired, used, abused, useless, playbook? Whenever libs can't come up with something salient to say/write, which is most of the time, they default to the race card. Why are libs not gaining across the country? Because they have NO NEW ideas! What was the last new idea libs came up with? Raise taxes? Spend more? Penalize 'the wealthy'? Claim blacks are 'disadvantaged'? Claim that Republican Presidential candidates are 'stupid'? Claim that Republican voters are 'stupid'? Claim that Republican voters are 'racist'? Claim that Republican voters are 'angry white men'? None of these rants/whines are new. And none of these rants/whines resolves any issue!
On top of which, none of these standard lib whines is true. Listen closely to libs and you will soon discover whining is their default method of speaking. Grates on ones nerves!
Yes, I'm white. Not suffering from the made-up rant of 'white privilege' though, first cuz it doesn't exist, second because I have never experienced it!
Yes, I'm male. Cuz I was born that way and plan to die that way. This means I use the bathroom with the picture of the male on the door. This also means, on the rare occasion that I use a public shower, I use the one with the picture of the male on the door. Not because I'm a sexist, but because I'm male. And I'll kick any guys arse that chooses to try to use the same public facility as either my wife or granddaughter! Without question, that perv will be seriously hurt if he tries to use a female facility while either of 'my' females are using them! How else does a THINKING person describe a person using a facility designed for the opposite sex? Perv fits the description exactly. And no amount of lib non-think changes that!
Am I angry? Only from the perspective that my once great FREE nation is being taken over by socialists. So, yes, I'm angry that for some reason Bernie gets away with claiming to offer 'free' college education with no qualms about how or who pays for it! Cuz the gubmint does it, it must be free. Just like free medical care. If the gubmint pays for it, then it MUST be free. So, am I angry? Yes, because socialism ABSOLUTELY FAILS every time it's tried. Not because the boobs that implement/manage socialism are id1ots. First, they are. Second, because socialism can not succeed. Like Margaret Thatcher, the other conservative despised by libs, once said, socialism eventually fails because the gubmint eventually runs out of other peoples' money! Angry because schools at every level are churning out people who lack the ability to think logically? Angry because institutions of education are teaching/preaching the benefits of big gubmint? Yes, to all of the above! Angry because the actual benefits of a free society are being ignored by big education? Angry because when someone attempts to introduce an alternative to socialism being taught by the education establishment they are dismissed? Yes.
But angry because blacks exist? Nope, that's a lib problem. Remember, it's libs that look at skin color and decide someone is 'disadvantaged', 'underprivileged', or incapable. It's libs that believe melanin-rich people can NOT manage to get through life without help. It's libs that are the actual racists. If they thought melanin-rich people could get through life on their own, why would they be whining about photo ID for voting? Also, it's libs that believe in supporting gubmint-paid abortions that overwhelmingly target melanin-rich people! Who believes most in supporting killing black babies - conservatives or libs?
I'm also angry because libs believe it is their duty to define themselves as well as me. They fail on both parts. I'm not a racist just because I'm conservative and a Constitutionlist. Libs fail to define themselves because they fail to use the word 'socialist'. Go back and look at videos of prominent libs when they are asked the difference between a socialist (Bernie) and a demon (Billary). Which lib has EVER answered this question? Which lib has ever defined 'their fair share' when whining about the amount of taxes paid by 'the wealthy'? Instead of telling conservatives what we are like, trying to define us, how about you lib media allies start asking the important questions to your own candidates. Let conservatives define ourselves by what we do. We are perfectly content to let libs define yourselves by what you do. And, generally, libs are rejected when given the opportunity. Until libs violate the law to pass their schemes (think NC State lottery) or use the courts to force their schemes upon us (think obamacancer to start).