Democrats will not regain power so long as Bill and Hillary motivate conservative women
Published October 18, 2018
by John Davis, The John Davis Political Report, October 17, 2018.
Old-school, baggage-laden, out-of-touch establishment Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton are the #1 obstacle to the Democratic Party’s political recovery efforts in 2018. They are motivating conservative women to vote in record numbers with insults and dismissiveness. Conservative women don’t think for themselves. You should believe liberal women victims of sexual assault but not Bill Clinton’s conservative sexual assault victims.
Which political party do you believe has a higher degree of moral authority on matters of sexual misconduct? After careful consideration of that question, I have concluded the following: both parties are tied at zero on anything to do with moral authority and sexual misconduct. Zero each. Period.
The great irony of the #MeToo movement is that it has confirmed what women who supported President Trump in 2016 have known all along: Democratic men are in no position to claim moral authority on matters of sexual misconduct over Republican men because they are just as bad.
That’s why Democrats who think that they are going to gain politically with their moral outrage over the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing are in for a rude awakening. Democrats have zero moral authority with allegations of Republican sexual misconduct as long as they are dismissive of allegations against former president Bill Clinton of rape (Juanita Broaddrick), groping (Kathleen Willey), sexual assault (Leslie Millwee) and exposing himself (Paula Jones).
Believe the women?
October 24, 2018 at 1:47 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Let's not forget that while alt-left zealots were destroying the character and trying to destroy the career of Brett, they were also ignoring Keith Ellison's situation.
What's the biggest difference between Brett's situation and Kieth's? There WAS NO EVIDENCE against Brett. And for those alt-left zealots who claimed 'compelling evidence' by that woman, ALL the 'witnesses' said it never happened. Not just Brett's friends but that woman's friends also said it never happened or they weren't witnesses. So, that's NOT compelling evidence, it's hearsay and unsubstantiated allegation(s).
In the case of Keith Ellison, we know very little about the evidence against him. There appears to be SOME evidence, actual evidence and not just unsubstantiated allegations, but NONE of the media is covering it and NONE of the alt-left zealots are commenting about it.
So, once again, or is it still, the demoncrat party has shown their total disregard for truth, fact, and the law. In the case of Kieth, if they ignore it, it didn't happen. In the case of Brett, if they suspend 'innocent until proven guilty', they get their way. Still, demoncrats show their disdain for everything that makes America great.
Illegal aliens? Not a problem so long as they vote demoncrat. Destruction of public property? Not a problem so long as it's liberals and demoncrat voters doing the destruction. 'Found guilty' but not punished is the same as 'not guilty'. And providing no punishment simply encourages more civil disobedience. Which appears to be the way alt-left zealots plan to win elections - intimidate those who disagree and they will stay home, not vote, and allow your socialist buddies to slide into victory. And we WON'T allow ballots to be checked to determine if illegals were voting. Cuz if illegals can't vote, demons don't win. And the goal is for demons to win, regardless of HOW it's accomplished.
What do alt-left zealots bring to the table? What are they running on? More illegals. More taxes. More spending. More socialist schemes being forced upon us. Anything good? Nope. Just the same old, used, tired, failed policies they've been advocating for 50+ years. Except now they aren't even trying to hide their intentions.