Dangerous terrain for an optimist

Published July 4, 2014

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, July 3, 2014.

The Governor sent his budget over to the Senate.


And as Rodney Dangerfield used to say, He got no respect. It was DOA.


The Senate sent its budget over to the House.


And it got no respect either. DOA, again.


The House sent its budget to the Senate.


And met the same fate.


Then, just when things looked bleak, House Speaker Thom Tillis, an optimist, announced anyone who “reports there’s a big gap between the House and the Senate isn’t paying attention” and sent another, abridged, budget to the Senate.


He got even less respect than the Governor.


The old Bull Mooses declared his budget was a “gimmick” – and went home for a long weekend.