Creating straw men to avoid actual arguments

Published August 27, 2015

by Brian Balfour, Civitas Review online, August 26, 2015.

Rob Christensen in this article takes the typical progressive debate tactic of completely mischaracterizing an opposing viewpoint, and then addressing that conjured up caricature rather than the actual arguments presented.

In this case, the topic is unemployment insurance. In an article discussing a potential bill that would require unemployment benefit recipients to make five contacts inquiring about work per week – an increase from the current mandate of two per week – Christensen yet again plays "slay the imaginary straw man." First, the conjured up caricature:

There is also a view among some conservatives that unemployment insurance is, in the words of the Civitas Institute, “paying people not to work.’’

There are apparently some people who believe the American worker is a slug just waiting for a chance to sit on his or her duff.

Notice the leap he takes. The first part is true, I have described unemployment benefits as "paying people not to work." By definition, that's what UI benefits do. But to somehow conclude that making such a true statement transfers to a belief that "the American worker is a slug" is ridiculous.

By stating that UI benefits pay people not to work, we are merely underscoring the fact that incentives matter to human behavior. The old adage goes: "the more you subsidize something, the more of that activity you will get" rings true. Lobbyists for renewable energy get paid a lot of money to exploit this fact of human action. More subsidies for solar farms means more solar farms. In turn, more subsidies for unemployment means more unemployment.

Providing someone with, say $300 a week in UI benefits for zero hours of labor makes working 40 hours a week for, say, $350 a week far less attractive, relatively speaking. The marginal benefit comes out to $1.25 an hour for taking the job.

Moreover, there is plenty of scholarly evidence to back up what is basic common sense. I guess Christensen believes that former Obama economic advisor Larry Summers simply believes the American worker is a "slug" when Summers concludes: "The second way government assistance programs contribute to long-term unemployment is by providing an incentive, and the means, not to work. Each unemployed person has a 'reservation wage'—the minimum wage he or she insists on getting before accepting a job. Unemployment insurance and other social assistance programs increase that reservation wage, causing an unemployed person to remain unemployed longer."

Christensen is either too lazy or simply intellectually incapable of refuting the actualarguments that don't fit his narrative. Instead he goes down the well-worn path of arguing against a false narrative that he himself conjures up.

August 27, 2015 at 10:06 am
bruce stanley says:

Amen! That column was disturbing. Why do you think welfare reform worked so well the the 90's under the Clinton Administration after he finally signed it after vetoing it a couple of times?

August 27, 2015 at 10:08 am
bruce stanley says:

It is better to help people to help themselves than to encourage them to become dependent.

August 27, 2015 at 10:21 am
Tom Hauck says:

Hi Brian,

A bit snarky at the end but besides that, I agree with you.

Imagine if the current government policies were in existence during the Dust Bowl days. The people who lived in the Dust Bowl would, most likely, still be receiving their government payments rather than starting a new and eventually better life in California or elsewhere. Are the generations of people living below the poverty line in West Virginia or the inner cities similar to the Dust Bowl people?

August 27, 2015 at 10:06 pm
Mark Callaway says:

I along with a lot of my Republican friends will NOT be voting for McCRony, the Bergers ,Tilliss, Burrs ,etc. You can talk about " strawman " , " by definition " and whatever bullshit you want ! You are taxing the crap out of the middle class and your ALEC ( coke bro's ) sponsored lackeys are gonna be outta here ! People are on UNEMPLOYMENT because you incentivize companies to move off shore .See you losers later , well probably not ! haha ...