Coronavirus Journal, April 5
Published April 8, 2020
By Carter Wrenn
Coronavirus first reared its head in China in January but it wasn’t until two months later that HHS placed its first order to stockpile masks. A foible.
Oklahoma ordered 16,000 face shields – FEMA sent 120,000. North Carolina ordered 500,000 coveralls – FEMA sent 306. HHS had over 16,000 ventilators in the stockpile – but it turned out thousands were broken. They didn’t work. More foibles.
President Trump announced: ‘We’ve now purchased plenty of supplies – the question is where to send them.’ For weeks we didn’t have supplies but now we do but we don’t know where to send them.
North Carolina Congressman Mark Walker posted on Facebook that he’s got a plan to make China pay for our $2 trillion Stimulus Package. A Gadfly.
Congresswoman Alma Adams told the newspaper our response to coronavirus would be better if the Senate had impeached Trump. Spiteful.
But there was good news: Daily deaths in New York dropped for the first time, though Governor Cuomo offered a word of caution: What is the significance of that? It’s too early to tell.