Cooper's critics get it wrong
Published November 24, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, November 23, 2015.
Roy Cooper caught flak from the left when he said Washington should pause before admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees and make sure we balance humanitarianism with security. He’s right, and his critics are wrong. And it’s not a case of “he had to do it politically.” It’s the right thing to do. Period.
It’s wrong for Republicans to say that all refugees and all Muslims pose a threat to America. It’s also wrong for Democrats to dismiss any chance that ISIS would try to sneak in terrorists amidst the refugees. That’s exactly what a gang of brutal, inhuman thugs would do.
The first responsibility of government is to protect the American people against enemies, foreign and domestic. Our leaders not only have to do that, they also have to give us confidence they’re doing it.
Unfortunately, President Obama fails that test. He acts as though anyone who has any fear about terrorists slipping into the country is a bigoted, heartless right-winger. In fact, a lot of decent, fair-minded Americans who aren’t bigoted and aren’t heartless are fearful. They rightly expect their leaders to understand their concerns, take them seriously and address them.
Instead, the President dismisses their concerns with what smacks of contempt. He seems petulant that anyone would even presume to question him.
Hillary Clinton gets it. That’s why she quickly distanced herself from Obama on ISIS. She gave a speech making clear she’d be a lot tougher.
Roy Cooper gets it. He’s been North Carolina’s chief law enforcement officer for 15 years. He takes it seriously when terrorists are blowing up and gunning down innocent people in Paris.
The media was wrong to paint Cooper in the same corner with Governor McCrory. McCrory passed up a White House briefing on the issue and instead started fundraising on it. Cooper explicitly said we have to balance security with compassion. There’s a big difference in tone and attitude.
Roy got it right.
November 24, 2015 at 8:44 am
James Barrett says:
November 24, 2015 at 5:04 pm
Norm Kelly says:
Should average Americans fear radical Islamists? Yes. Is it heartless to be afraid of these nuts? No, it's common sense.
'Instead, the President dismisses their concerns with what smacks of contempt. He seems petulant that anyone would even presume to question him.' Welcome to the party. This is how many Americans, all conservatives, and all Republicans have been treated by the current occupier since before he occupied the big chair. The current occupier has complete disdain for anyone who doesn't 'think' like him, who doesn't accept HIS way just because it's his way! The current occupier has been dismissing people his entire political career. It's just that now libs are feeling the heat, so it seems to be bothering yous guys. Welcome aboard! Now you understand what the rest of us have been saying for over 7 years!
'Hillary Clinton gets it.' What an absurd and outrageous statement. If anyone has ever doubted that Gary is a die-hard lib through & through, this should prove it. The only thing Billary has gotten so far is that too many Americans are willing to accept her lies. And she is a TERRIBLE liar. At least when Bill lied, he appeared sincere. When she lies, it's obvious and she doesn't care. Then lib media-types make excuses for her. Or tell their like-minded readers & listeners that she gets it. And media-types told us that George Bush the first was out of touch with reality! Imagine!
'McCrory passed up a White House briefing'. As any sane Republican governor would have done. It's obvious that the occupier doesn't get it. Why would Pat waste his time traveling to Washington to spend time with someone who has no respect for him, believes his position is wrong, and SHOWS disdain for him. Pat was right to pass up the visit with 'the enemy'. The occupier would have told Pat why he was wrong, and that since he won his opinion is the only one that counts. Which he has not only said repeatedly but has demonstrated in the way he uses executive order. It's either his way or you are a racist!
Roy gets it? Or is this a political stunt? If Roy truly gets it, then congrats. But to say Pat got it wrong by not visiting with the occupier is absolutely wrong. Not quite as wrong as saying Billary gets it, but darn close!