Cooper is strongest Democratic Governor since Jim Hunt

Published June 1, 2017

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, June 1, 2017.

Democrats don’t have a more determined foe than the Civitas Institute, so when Civitas’ May poll reported good news for Roy Cooper it was a bad sign.

According to Civitas’ poll 61% of the voters in North Carolina now approve of the job Roy Cooper is doing as Governor.

Among all voters Cooper’s job approval had risen 13 points since February and, worse, among key Independent voters Cooper’s approval had risen 27 points (to 61% Approve; 17% Disapprove).

Bev Perdue wasn’t really a problem for Phil Berger or Thom Tillis (when he was House Speaker) and, truth be told, neither was Pat McCrory. But Roy Cooper’s now the strongest Democratic Governor since Jim Hunt.