Constitutional Convention the solution in 2014

Published September 8, 2013

by Bill Moore, Beaufort Observer, September 6, 2013.

Everyone is talking about the importance of the 2014 election.

Will the Republicans keep control of the House of Representatives? Will the Republicans take the Senate? Will they have veto proof majorities in both Houses?

Will the Democrats take control of both Houses? If they do, what will president Obama do when there are no Constitutional controls to stop him?

I think the emphasis is in the wrong place. At this point the Republicans completely control 24 State governments (governor and both houses). Democrats completely control 13. That leaves 17 states with split control. If the Republicans take complete control of 10 additional state governments they will have enough states to force a Constitutional Convention.

With the control of 34 State governments they can pass Constitutional Amendments to address the issues they could not handle in the past 5 years. At a minimum they could pass amendments that:

• Term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court

• Forcing Congress to live under laws they pass

• Revision of the tax code

• Mandate Feds to develop all natural resources

• Define Marriage

• Clarify the meaning of Freedom of Religion so Religion is not under attack by the Feds

• Further clarify States rights in the 10th Amendment

• Limit the power of Non elected government officials and regulations

• Eliminate the power of the Executive Branch to select which parts of laws they will enforce

• Require a balanced Budget

• Require the President and all of Congress not be paid until a budget is passed and signed. Money lost will not be returned in the event of a late budget but forfeited to the treasury.

• Force the Administration to verify all applicants for benefits

Think of it, no requirement for Congressional approval. When passed they become part of the Constitution. The Supreme Court cannot overturn Constitutional Amendments. Congress cannot repeal them without approval from 38 states.

The mere threat of a convention has caused Congress to act in the past. The most effective of these was for an amendment that required direct election of senators. They were only one state short of the required number to trigger a Constitutional Convention. Congress in fear of such a convention and other possible amendments quickly passed the 17th amendment proposal for state approval with the necessary 2/3 majority.

32 states have initially passed legislative calls for a convention for a balanced budget. (34 needed.) Three have rescinded them (Alabama, Florida and Louisiana). We need just five more. There is no time limit on calls for a convention. You can rescind it. Nevada had one house try to rescind it and there is a question if legally one house of a legislature can take back their vote after both houses have passed something and it has taken effect.

Winning the national election will put many new faces in Congress. As with previous elected officials, many will not live up to their promises they made while campaigning. Some will be consumed by the Washington establishment and forget why they were sent there.

It will take 10 years to replace Rhinos in both houses of Congress. During that time we need to also replace the elected officials that violated their promises to the people. By the way, we also have to keep beating the democratic candidates our candidates face each election cycle. I am not saying ignore the National elections but increase the emphasis on maintaining and getting new Republican State legislatures and Governors

The solution is easy. We need to concentrate on local and state elections across the Country. We need to keep the State Houses and Governors we already have and add at least 5 new states to our roster. By doing so we will have the power to enact a Constitutional Convention and make the changes in a timely manner.


September 8, 2013 at 9:40 am
TP Wohlford says:

Over a beverage, this conservative / pragmatic, generally GOP voting, well informed voter would tell you that most of the ideas on that list are not because "rinos" prevent them, but rather, are bad ideas.

Thank GOD it takes so much to change the Constitution!

September 8, 2013 at 4:10 pm
Johnny Hiott says:

A constitutional convention sounds on the surface like the answer to all of our problems in this nation. However, if such ever does occur it is not just the problems that are open for discussion and change our entire Constitution is up for change. No matter who is there to represent the states it is all up for grabs. Do we think the members of said convention are to be trusted any more than the imbiciles we send to congress ? A constituional convention is an extremely dangerous thing to happen. Personally, I think what we have works just fine provided our representatives in both houses of congress would do what they are mandated to do and uphold the oath they have taken. If they would do that they would remove presidents, judges and the maze of federal employees that spend decades in wash. dc destroying this nation. As far as the seventeenth amendment it needs to be repealed as the only thing it did was open the door for lobbiest who buy US senators by the dozens. I've always found it amazing how so many things occured under one of the worst presidents in American history (woodrow wilson), under him, we got the seventeenth amendment, income taxes, the federal reserve all in 1913 and upon his re-election America got WWI as a bonus. Talk about un-informed voters ! Those that elected and re-elected wilson were as moronic as those that elected obama. The old adage "Those who fail to remember the past are destined to repete it" is so very true !