Confusion reigns supreme
Published May 27, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, May 27, 2016.
Nobody who does politics knows what’s up with politics now.
Republicans can’t explain why Trump is winning. Democrats can’t explain why Clinton isn’t winning.
Ask candidates, consultants, commentators and the media crowd for explanations, and they all mumble, fumble and stumble.
A month ago, everybody thought Republicans were headed for a deadlocked convention and Democrats were headed for a coronation.
But now Republicans are uniting behind Trump, casting aside their doubts about his real principles as he rises in the polls. (Polls obviously trump their principles, as it were.)
It’s the Democrats who are split, dreading a convention battle, worrying about Sanders voters voting Libertarian in the fall and fretting about Clinton’s inability to shed Bernie, the email controversy and all her other baggage.
(By the way, if you want to read a powerful story about how real people see politics, check out The New York Times article “Feeling Let Down and Left Behind, With Little Hope for Better,” which focuses on Wilkes County, N.C. Especially this quote about Trump voters: “You’re talking to people who haven’t won in 30 years, and now somebody is telling them they’re going to win again.”)
Things looks brighter for Democrats in North Carolina, thanks to the HB2 wound that Republicans inflicted on themselves. But Democrats know how the presidential race can shape every race.
Here’s my advice: Pause and take a deep breath as we head into Memorial Day weekend. It’s summer now. We’ve got things besides politics to think about. The conventions are coming. Running mates will be picked. The campaign will come into clearer focus around Labor Day.
And here’s some unsolicited advice for Hillary Clinton: Solve all your problems, and make Elizabeth Warren your VP. You’ll win back the Sandersnistas. You’ll make everybody take a fresh look at you. And you’ll double down on the “woman card.”
You can say, “The men in Washington screwed up this country so bad it’ll take TWO women to fix the mess.”
May 27, 2016 at 9:38 am
Norm Kelly says:
Gary & Chris. Two peas in a pod.
So committed to their left-wing bias, they can't see the forest in front of them.
Rant all they want about Republicans nominating Trump, THEY have either Billary or Sanders. The first is a liar on the magnitude of more than it's husband. The second is an avowed socialist who TELLS us up front, as opposed to the current occupier, that he WILL implement even more socialism. Bernie tells us he will implement free 'higher' education for all. Bernie tells us that everything we buy WILL get more expensive. Bernie tells us central planners will steal more money from every citizen in the nation and will implement full socialized medicine. And Demons continue to rant against Republicans!? What audacity.
Then to double down on their outrageous candidates, those who should never appear in public again, those who should end up behind bards, they want the crook/liar/woman-hater to pick another liar as it's running mate. What does Elizabeth bring to the table? She has a vagina! But then again, we are told Billary does also. So, besides being a woman, what does Elizabeth bring to the table? The ability to scam the system by claiming to be American Indian. So, making up stuff, misleading voters, playing the system, qualifies Elizabeth as a VP candidate? But, if all she brings to the table is a vagina, playing the woman card, I thought Billary was supposed to do that!? So, are demons telling us that Billary really doesn't have a vagina? She needs a real woman on the ticket to get the woman vote? Does Billary think she's getting a double whamy with Elizabeth by getting a vagina AND an indian?
Talk about desperate! Every time some demon whines about Republican voters, remember who they have the audacity to vote for. Their camp is much worse off than ours. Their voters get a choice of a liar or a failed economic scheme. No wonder Trump is getting so many votes. Perhaps it's not just Washington insiders that propelled Trump. We know the failures of central planners is one major reason for Trump. The other obvious, unless you are a demon, reason for Trump is the demon party itself. Led by Debbie What's her Name. Running low-life candidates such as Billary. No wonder Trump is winning!