Competition is good medicine

Published January 13, 2014

By John Hood

by John Hood, John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, January 13, 2014.

Although the 2013 legislative session produced many victories for economic freedom, a notable exception was the unwillingness of lawmakers to encourage competition and innovation in medical care.

North Carolina continues to use an archaic form of regulation called “certificates of need” to protect hospitals from competition. Unless the state gives you a CON, you can’t build a new hospital, add a new surgical center, or purchase a major medical device. The practical effect of such a policy is to create local monopolies or duopolies for expensive medical treatments or procedures. Don’t like the price or quality of the services available from the state-approved hospital or hospitals in your area? That’s too bad — unless you can afford to leave the area for care.

Proponents of CON laws say that they save money for patients, insurers, and taxpayers by avoiding excess capacity in the system. In other words, they say that health care is different from every other sector of the economy, where the claim that restricting supply reduces the price would rightly be seen as ridiculous.

As my colleagues Jon Sanders and Roy Cordato have established, there is little empirical evidence to support the idea that the price system works in reverse for medical services. Because some states have abolished CON regulation while others (such as North Carolina) have retained it, researchers can identify and hold other variables constant and then try to detect differences potentially attributable to CON. In most cases, the resulting studies have not been friendly to the CON concept. It turns out that protecting hospitals from competition primarily boosts the income those who work or sell services at those hospitals.

One recent study looked at the market for acute cardiac care. Vivian Ho of Rice and Meei-Hsiang Ku-Goto of Baylor examined Medicare data to see whether states with CON and states without CON differed in prices and Medicare reimbursement for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery or percutaneous coronary interventions. They found that deregulated states had lower prices for CABG surgery and less Medicare spending in both categories. Noting that previous studies had found no improvement in service quality in the regulated states, the authors concluded in the April 2013 issue of Medical Care Research and Review that “CON regulations for CABG may not be justified in terms of either improving quality or controlling cost growth.”

Robust competition among hospitals and surgical centers on price and quality is a necessary but insufficient condition for true health care reform, which would empower patients with the information and financial incentives to purchase medical services more efficiently. To the extent consumers face artificial limits on their ability to choose among competing providers, the potential of consumer-driven health care to bring costs under control without sacrificing service quality or medical freedom will also be limited.

Because North Carolina has lived under a CON regime for decades, outright repeal of the regulatory scheme, although preferable, may not be achievable at this time. So lawmakers should at least consider lifting CON restrictions for some markets or procedures, such as outpatient surgeries. Would doing so put additional pressure on some of North Carolina’s incumbent hospitals? Yes. But our current system for delivering medical services is going to have to change way one or the other. We can’t afford it. And the idea that transferring more decisionmaking authority to Washington, as the Affordable Care Act does, will make that delivery system more efficient is an even more fanciful notion than the idea that restricting hospital supply reduces the price of hospital services.

Rather than continuing to indulge flights of fancy, North Carolina needs to take reasonable steps towards real health care reform. The state can’t do much about the Obamacare debacle at the moment. But the state can reform its own regulatory policies to encourage greater competition and innovation. That way, when Washington finally gets its act together and pursues real health care reform, North Carolina will be ready.

January 13, 2014 at 8:56 am
Jack Dawsey says:

He drills down in his subject-matter suggestion that medical regulations, hospitals, devices, and facilities (as regulated in CONS) are as evil as the Desolator that Jesus encountered for 40-days in the wilderness.

January 13, 2014 at 12:02 pm
Norm Kelly says:

So you agree that schools and medical delivery systems must NOT experience competition? These are the only 2 markets that actually are worse for competition?

Typical of libs, you draw outrageous conclusions that are not based on any factual information. There is a difference between anarchy and freedom. You describe anarchy when you claim that dog groomers will be allowed to perform surgery on children. The diff between what you describe and what would actually happen are as far as libs are from right.

What makes you think that if CONs go away, competition enters the market, that all state/local regulation would disappear? Where did that come from? Is the DMV more efficient because there is NO competition? What other market do you despise for allowing competition? What other market do you believe should be taken over by government because there's too much competition? Is there any market that you believe should be left free, allowed to have competition?

Freedom is a good thing. For all you libs that don't like freedom, don't believe the Constitution is right in it's requirement for a limited central government, remember that you are all welcome to leave and move to Europe where your ideal model of central control/central planning is in full swing. And in failure mode. How about all you 'well meaning', 'do gooder' libs move to your ideal location and leave us freedom loving, free-marketers, Constitutionalists here to enjoy the fruits of our labors. Instead of 'transforming' the US, just move to where socialism is already in place and enjoy yourself.

January 13, 2014 at 4:51 pm
Jack Dawsey says:

Now there's another conservative Einstein except he (Kelly) likes to smear his opponent with names like, lib! it's always a lib as though libs are born with a black tongue and leprosy and must therefore be avoided at all cost. And then they like to layer on their name-calling with their favorite: "if you don't love America, leave it and return to it or leave it!" How preposterous.