Company promises up to 1,500 jobs to Wake County with HB2 repeal
Published March 3, 2017
[caption id="attachment_19634" align="alignleft" width="150"] Graphic by WRAL[/caption]
by Cullen Browder and Adam Owens, WRAL, March 2, 2017.
Sources familiar with plans for a major economic development told WRAL News that a company plans to bring as many as 1,500 jobs to Wake County with salaries averaging more than $100,000.
The decision appears contingent on the repeal of House Bill 2, which could add pressure on lawmakers to compromise on a repeal. The company has not been identified publicly.
House Bill 2 requires people to use public bathrooms that match their birth gender and excludes gay and transgender people from discrimination protections.
Various sports leagues and businesses have moved events and jobs out of North Carolina because of the law.
Members of the Wake County legislative delegation confirmed to WRAL News that they have been briefed on the potential jobs announcement.
There have been several attempts to repeal House Bill 2, but lawmakers have been unable to reach a consensus.
March 3, 2017 at 11:39 am
bruce stanley says:
Hmmmm....sounds fishy.
March 4, 2017 at 1:10 am
Norm Kelly says:
'There have been several attempts to repeal House Bill 2, but lawmakers have been unable to reach a consensus.'
It's not lawmakers who have been unable to reach consensus. It's dems who refuse to negotiate. It's dems who refuse to compromise. It's dems who insist, AGAIN/STILL, that it's either their way or no way at all.
The dem city council in Charlotte decided they could do what they wanted, regardless of how much outside of their authority it was. Cuz they are dems after all. Dems rule, so dems make the rules. All else be damned. Kinda the way Roy is acting now. He has made it as clear as Charlotte has, as clear as dems in the legislature have, that nothing short of full/clean repeal is acceptable. Not a single compromise has been met with any level of acceptance by dems.
So, who is to blame, and when will this change? First and foremost, dems ARE TO BLAME for every negative impacting our state now. Dems overstepped even after they were warned that it was outside their authority. Dems have refused to attempt to compromise with Republicans in the legislature. Roy has repeatedly said that legislative leaders are ready to compromise, then shot down every effort put forth by Republicans. What compromise has either Roy or any dem in the legislature put forth? cricket. cricket. cricket. Of course, there's no answer to that cuz dems haven't shown the slightest inkling of compromise! Dems have put forth no plan of their own as to how HB2 could be changed to be acceptable. What part of dems outrageous behavior reflects ANY willingness to compromise or work toward a positive solution? Again, all I hear are crickets.
Plus what Bruce said in his reply. Seems fishy!
March 6, 2017 at 10:43 am
bruce stanley says:
I've heard through anonymous sources that there is a company that wants to relocate to NC providing millions and zillions of jobs but it's contingent on HB2 remaining intact (tongue in cheek).