Civitas Poll sheds light on McCrory/Cooper matchup

Published November 21, 2015

by Demi Dowdy, Civitas Institute, November 19, 2015.

Latest Civitas Institute Poll Gives Insights on Voters’ Views of Economy, Political Scene

The latest Civitas poll covers a range of what interests North Carolina – from the economy to a gubernatorial matchup.

The poll finds that in North Carolina President Obama’s legacy may not be much help to candidates in 2016.

“Only 37 percent of voters support a generic candidate who would ‘continue to move the country in the direction that President Barack Obama has moved it,’” Civitas President Francis De Luca said. “That suggests Democrats will have a hard time winning by running for Obama’s ‘third term.’”

Furthermore, voters do not seem sure of the direction leadership should take here in North Carolina.

“Favorability ratings for both Gov. Pat McCrory and Attorney General Roy Cooper, McCrory’s likely opponent for governor next year, dipped significantly,” De Luca added. “It may be the voters were in a sour mood about politicians in general.”

Asked who they would vote for if the election were today, voters favored Republican McCrory over Democrat Cooper, 41 percent to 38 percent, virtually unchanged from last month.

In general, voters continued to have a gloomy outlook for the economy.

“Since the Great Recession began, we have asked people if they think the recession has ended, or when it will end. Our latest poll suggests a bit more optimism among some about when the recession will end – but fewer people think it has ended!” De Luca said. “No matter what the experts say, the experience of most North Carolina voters is that the economy is still not where they want it to be.”

Text of actual questions:

First, do you feel things in North Carolina are generally heading in the right direction, or have things gotten off on the wrong track?

2/15     3/15     7/15     10/15   11/15

42%      38%       39%        37%      39%     Right Direction

47%      48%       47%        46%      51%     Wrong Track

11%       14%       13%         17%      10%     Don’t Know

—          —            —             —          —          Refused

If next year’s election for State Legislature were held today, would you vote for the: (ROTATE)

2/15     3/15     7/15     10/15   11/15

37%      37%       34%        39%     36%     Republican candidate

40%      39%      38%        39%     38%     Democratic candidate

7%         6%         11%          8%       9%       Neither

15%      18%        16%         14%     16%     Don’t Know

1%          —           —              —          —          Refused

How much longer do you think it will take for the economy to improve and the current recession to end? If you think the current recession has ended just say so.

2/15     7/15     11/15

1%          2%        3%       Under 6 months

6%          5%        8%       Between 6 months and a year

17%       16%      25%     Between 1 and 2 years

48%       54%     41%     Over 2 years

21%       16%     14%     Recession has ended

7%          8%       9%       Don’t Know

—          —          —          Refused

Now I am going to read you a list of people and organizations active in politics. After I read each name, please tell me if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that person or organization. If you never heard of them, just tell me and we’ll go on to the next one .. (RANDOMIZE)

          TOTAL     TOTAL                       VERY        SMWT          SMWT      VERY                          HRD OF/                    NEVER

            FAV          UNFAV                      FAV           FAV           UNFAV     UNFAV                       NO OPIN                    HRD OF

Pat McCrory

11/15   46%     42%                                19%            27%              18%            24%                               10%                             2%

10/15   54%     37%                               22%            33%              17%            20%                                6%                              2%

7/15     52%     36%                               18%            34%               13%             23%                              9%                               2%

 Roy Cooper

11/15   30%     15%                                 14%           16%                  8%       7%                                     24%                             31%

10/15   52%     17%                                18%           34%                  9%       8%                                     23%                              8%

7/15     38%     17%                                 11%           27%                  8%       9%                                      30%                              15%

If the election for North Carolina Governor were being held today, for whom would you vote if the candidates were: (ROTATE) Pat McCrory, the Republican, and Roy Cooper, the Democrat?

7/15     10/15   11/15

43%     41%     41%     Total McCrory

38%     37%     38%     Total Cooper

17%     20%     20%     Lean/Undecided

30%     31%     28%     Definitely McCrory

13%     10%     13%     Probably McCrory

2%       2%       2%       Lean McCrory

12%     13%     13%     Undecided

3%       5%       5%       Lean Cooper

9%       9%       10%     Probably Cooper

29%     28%     28%     Definitely Cooper

2%       2%       2%       Refused

Do you think it would be better for the country to have (ROTATE) a Democrat or a Republican as the next president?

41%     Republican

38%     Democrat

9%       Neither/ Other

12%     Don’t Know

—          Refused

In thinking about the next president that we will be electing, which of the following two statements comes closer to your point of view? The (first/ second) statement is… (ROTATE)

37%     “This is a time to have a president who will focus on progress and continue to move the country in the direction that President Barack Obama has moved it.”

58%     “This is a time to have a president who will focus on restoring the institutions, culture and government that made America great.”

5%       Don’t Know/Refused

(Because of rounding, totals may not equal 100.)

Crosstabs can be found here.

The poll surveyed etc. 600 registered voters (30% on cell phones) with a margin of error of +/- 4.00%. This survey was taken November 10-12, 2015.