Civitas Poll: Most think legislature needs to do more for education

Published January 26, 2017

by Demi Dowdy, Civitas Institute, January 26, 2017.

The latest Civitas Poll shows that 70 percent of North Carolina likely voters polled believe that “state lawmakers need to do more to expand educational options for families.”

Furthermore, parents said that if resources were not an issue, the majority of them would choose an education other than traditional public schools for their child.

The relevant questions are below.

Which of these statements best reflects your views on how well the legislature is meeting the educational needs of families? State lawmakers are doing a good job of expanding educational options for families? Or state lawmakers need to do more to expand educational options for families?

17% Doing a Good Job

70% Need To Do More

12 % Not Sure

If resources were not an issue and you could select the best school for your child, what type of school would you select for your child? A traditional public school? A charter school? A private school? Home school? Or a virtual school?

44% Traditional Public School

11% Charter School

35% Private School

8% Home School

2% Virtual School

1% Not Sure

Civitas education policy analyst Dr. Bob Luebke said, “These results confirm what we’ve long known to be true: Parents want access to the best educational options for their children. And they want the legislature to make policies that expand school choice. While programs like opportunity scholarships are a good start, we hope to see educational options expanded for children and parents in this legislative session.”

The full poll results are available in a slide presentation here.

The crosstabs are available here.

About the poll: 750 registered, likely voters age 25-54 were polled for the first question, with a margin of error of +/- 3.3%. 419 parents of school-aged children were polled for the second question, with a margin of error of +/- 4.9%. This survey was taken January 17-18, 2017. Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100 percent.