Legislative leaders had made dropping the Charlotte ordinance a condition for repealing HB2.
The ordinance extended anti-discrimination protection to the LGBT community and would have allowed transgender people to use the bathroom or locker room of their gender identity.
“The City of Charlotte continues its commitment to be a welcoming community that honors and respects all people,” Roberts said in a statement. “We appreciate the state wanting to find a solution to the challenges we are facing and applaud the governor for recognizing the state should overturn HB2, which the state can do at any time without any action from the City of Charlotte.
“We are not prepared to add this item to our agenda this evening, however, we urge the state to take action as soon as possible and encourage continued dialogue with the broader community.”
Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) and House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) issued the following joint statement Sunday:
“If the Charlotte City Council had not passed its ordinance in the first place, the North Carolina General Assembly would not have called itself back into session to pass HB 2 in response,” they said.
“Consequently, although our respective caucuses have not met or taken an official position, we believe that if the Charlotte City Council rescinds its ordinance there would be support in our caucuses to return state law to where it was pre-HB 2.”
Attorney General Roy Cooper, the Democratic candidate for governor, urged Gov. Pat McCrory to call a special session to repeal HB2.
“The damage to our economy must be stopped and it is clear that full repeal of HB2 will accomplish this,” he said in a statement. “The Governor should call for a special session today. It’s time for the Governor to be a leader, not a follower.”
North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Robin Hayes blamed Roberts and Cooper for scuttling a deal.
“Roy Cooper’s silence on the Charlotte bathroom ordinance repeal deal confirms he was working with his ally Jennifer Roberts to kill any compromise all along,” he said. “This is the second time Roy Cooper and Jennifer Roberts have blocked good-faith efforts to keep sporting events in North Carolina, and shows Roy Cooper is more interested in playing politics at the expense of hardworking North Carolinians than doing his job to help them.”